Chapter 6 - How we fell in love

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Chapter 6

A few weeks later

Rukia P.O.V:

I woke up with a stretch and noticed that Ichigo was not there. He probably wanted me to get some more sleep since we're off today. I heard a knock on our door its probably Ichigo

Rukia: Come in

The door opened revealing Kazui and Ichika. As soon as they opened the door they ran over to me and jumped on bed tackling me.

Rukia: Someone has quite a bit of energy this morning

Ichika: Yea well we slept well since we don't have to go the academy today.

I chuckled at their response kids will always be kids

Rukia: Do you guys know where daddy is?

Kazui: He is downstairs preparing breakfast

Rukia: Why is he doing it so early

Kazui: Mommy didn't you forget we're going to go see Grandpa today

I almost forgot about that. It's been a while since I've been to the world of the living plus it will be nice to see Yuzu and Karin

Ichigo: Well then looks like someones awake. Ichigo said while walking over to me to give me a kiss

Ichika: Daddy why do you and mommy kiss so much

I blushed at Ichika's answer and I can tell Ichigo was too

Ichigo: Well the thing is we love each other a lot so that's why

Ichika: Daddy can you carry me downstairs?

Kazui: And mommy can you carry me downstairs too?

Ichigo, Rukia: Sure

After we finished our breakfast we went to the world of the living as soon as we arrived I forgot how cold Karakura town could be

Rukia: I forgot how cold it could get

Ichigo: Well it is fall and almost winter

Ichigo P.O.V:

We walked over to their house in complete silence hand in hand as soon as we arrived there we were greeted by Karin

Karin: Rukia, Ichi-nii it's so great so see you. She said while hugging us

Kazui, Ichika: Aunt Karin

Ichigo: Where is Yuzu and Dad?

Karin: Yuzu will be home soon she went to get groceries as for dad

Ishhin: ICHIGO RUKIA CHAN. He said while tackling them

Ichigo: It's good to see you but why do you have to do this everytime. I said in a annoyed voice as I kick him off of us

Ishhin: I see you have brought my grandkids along with you how are you Kazui and Ichika

Kazui: Im great

Ichika: Same here

Ishhin: Well then take a seat

We all sat down and started talking about how we have been and such

Ishhin: I take it you and Rukia-chan are enjoying the newly married couple life that not something you experience everyday I take you guys have been having a lot off--. He was cut off by Karin socking him in jaw

Karin: Your such a dirty old man why can't you have a normal conversation like normal people. She said in an angry tone

Rukia: Thanks for punching him

Karin: Your welcome. She said smiling

We heard the door open and came in Yuzu

Yuzu: It's so great to see you Oni-chan, Rukia-chan

Ichigo: Its great to see you too

We soon had dinner and decided it was time to go home when we got home we sat down in our room for a little bit with Ichika sitting in my lap and Kazui in Rukia's.

Kazui: Daddy can I ask you something?

Ichigo: Sure. I said turning my head to face him

Kazui: When did you realize that you loved Mommy?

I thought about it for a moment before giving my response

Ichigo: Well I fell in love with Rukia when I went to go save her from execution. When I was saving her I realized how much I really cared about her then when I was feeling down when I feared that my hollow will take over me Rukia was the first person to tell me that she accepts the fact that I have a hollow inside of me and that I should work hard to control it but I think I truly realized I loved her when she wasn't around for the 17 months I lost my powers. I missed having her around and it truly hurt.

Everyone stayed quiet long enough to where it got awkward. Did I saw something wrong?

Rukia: I didn't realize you cared about me that much back then. Rukia said leaning her head on my shoulder

Ichika: Mommy when did you fall in love with daddy?

Rukia: Well I fell in love with him when he went to save me I know it sounds like typical hero type stuff but his words gave me strength and courage and it inspired me to get strong to protect the ones I care about

Kazui: Now that I think about it I don't think Mommy Orhime ever accepted the fact that me and daddy have a hollow inside of us

Rukia P.O.V:

I was surprised at what Kazui said. Was this really true? I thought Orihime truly loved Ichigo and would accept the fact that he had a hollow inside of him

Rukia: Ichigo is this true?

A frown formed on Ichigo's face

Ichigo: Yea. Yea it is. She was always afraid of the hollow inside of me and never truly accepted it and when we found out that Kazui also had a hollow inside of him she was devastated and she said that Kazui will become a monster.

I was blown away at Ichigo's response, how Orihime the sweetest and loving person that she was call Kazui monster. I looked down at Kazui and I hugged him close it just felt like the right thing to do

Rukia: Kazui just know that I accept the fact that you have a hollow inside of you it's okay and I know you will not become a monster because that not the kind of person you are.

Kazui held on to me tightly and started crying

Kazui: Mommy I love you

Rukia: I love you too

Soon the kids fell asleep and me and Ichigo tucked them in bed and prepared to go to sleep.

Ichigo: Thank you Rukia

Rukia: For what?

Ichigo: You know what. he said giving me a gentle kiss

Rukia: You don't have to thank me you know

Are you guys enjoying this so far my plan is make this story at least 20 chapters long so don't forget to vote and plz leave your review

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