Chapter 28 - I'll Come Back To You(Second Ending)

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A few weeks later

Ichigo P.O.V:

It didn't take long for everyone to find out what happened. We had a meeting not too long ago and I was again advised that if I went out of control I would be put down. Honestly I don't care what anyone thinks plus what makes them think they're going to stop me. During this time I have had these severe headaches. It feels like Zangetsu thinks he's found his chance to take over me. But I'm not going to let that happen.

I could tell Rukia has been worried non-stop. I feel horrible for making her worry like that. There are nights where she wouldn't sleep out of fear for me. All this got me thinking what will end up happening to Kazui? I always feared that his hollow will take over him from the day he was born but he hasn't said anything so it should be alright

About a week ago I paid a visit to dad and Yuzu. They didn't recognize me at all and I ended up telling them everything that had happened. Honestly I would be lying if I said I hated my new look. But what am I now. In fact what am I supposed to be

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door to my office opened. It turned out to be Rukia

Ichigo: Hey you need anything? I said standing up

I was clear that Rukia's face was filled with worry. She walked over to me and cupped my cheek

Rukia: How are you feeling? She asked softly

Ichigo: I really don't know

Rukia was about to say something but all of a sudden sensed a strange reatsu. We rushed over there and found half of the seritie destroyed. Who could have done this?

Tokinada: Finally at last I get to meet you Kurosaki

There he was. The person who has caused me all of this pain and suffering. He's right in front of me and im going to kill him

Narrator P.O.V:

Rukia noticed how angry Ichigo was getting and she already knew what would happen if he let it all out

Rukia: Ichigo it's okay calm down

Tokinada: Kuchiki do you really think Kurosaki can be calm right now. I am the one who has caused of the pain and suffering that he has experienced from the day he was born. His existence is the key to reforming Soul Society so I had to shape him into the perfect being which included setting up his mom's death

Ichigo thought to himself was he really the reason all of this has happened to me? If so I have no other option then kill him and avenge mom so she can rest in peace

Ichigo immediately drew Zangetsu and charged towards Tokinada, clashing with him

Tokinada: My my someone's feisty. Let's take this somewhere else shall we

With that they disappeared

Byakuya: Rukia what the hell is going on

Rukia: Ni-sama that guy Tokinada was the one who did all this and he toke Ichigo somewhere

Toshiro: I told you didn't I

Rukia: Ni-sama I have to go after him. She said pleadingly

Byakuya understood why Rukia wanted to run after him. But she couldn't do it alone

Byakuya: Rukia I'll go with you. Hitsugaya you stay here

Toshiro: Honestly making me do all the hard work. Fine go on ahead and Kuchiki make sure Kurosaki come's home safe. He said coldly

Byakuya and Rukia hurried after Ichigo in the meantime Ichigo and Tokinada we're having there battle

Tokinada: You must really wanna kill me huh? That's good let out all of your bloodlust and give into the darkness!

It was you all along (An IchiRukia Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now