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𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖

𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒘 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉



It was a little after 3 in the afternoon when the first raindrop fell, within a couple of minutes it was already pouring. Some opened their umbrellas, others put on their raincoats, while the rest immediately ran into nearby stores and shops to shelter themselves from the sky's tears.

But that wasn't the case for Rosalie Villega. She was completely sheltered in her apartment, lounging on the cozy couch in her living room and dressed comfortably in an oversized sweater which covered her shorts, fuzzy calf-length socks and a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows to warm up her cold hands. After flipping through Netflix and couldn't deciding on a movie, she turned off the TV and headed into her bedroom and shut the door. She placed the warm cup on her work desk and looking out the view. The only thing visible was the raindrops fogging up her window.

She glanced at her digital clock and realized the date. July 15th. Remembering the date and everything associated with it all too well, she picked up her notebook on the desk and opened one of the marked pages. As she opened the page, a piece of paper that was used as a bookmark fell. Picking it up, she turned it around to reveal a photo of the handsome boy who once stole her heart. She smiled at the picture reminiscing all the beautiful memories they once shared.


"Baby stop, where are you taking me?" The brunette was walking slowly and carefully since her eyes were covered with a blindfold. On her side, a boy was holding her hand tightly, guiding the way making sure she wouldn't trip from not seeing her steps.

"Do you trust me?" He asked while guiding her through the hallway.

"You know I do but the last time I did this you pranked me with a cake on my face." She pouted causing the boy to laugh.

"It was your birthday, that's different. This time is a surprise, a good one." He held her hand tighter since he felt she was getting a bit more anxious.

"You better be telling the truth or I swear to God I will kill you," She stopped in her tracks and folded her arm on her chest. Once again the boy laughed at her remarks.

"I promise baby no jokes this times," He took her folded arm, intertwined it with his and guided her to walk again. "We're almost there."

Sighing, she continued walking with the boy's guidance. Then he stopped causing her to be startled at first but followed nevertheless. She felt the boy letting go of her hand and heard the sound of keys rattling. She was getting really impatient. "Can I take it off now?"

As she was about to untie the blindfold, the boy stopped her. "No not yet please be patient baby, almost there." Huffing, she stopped trying to untie the cloth covering her eyes.

When the boy finished opening the door, he led her inside and shut the door behind him. Then he made her face the center of the room and he stood in front of her.

"Okay. Now, do you remember how you always wanted a balcony separated by a sliding glass door and floor to ceiling window?" He asked causing the girl to furrow her eyebrows.


"Well," he walked behind her untying her blindfold. The girl blinked her eyes several times to readjust to the light after being blindfolded with a dark cloth for nearly half an hour. The boy took a deep breath before telling her the surprise. "This is your new apartment,"

When her sight was back to normal she looked ahead at the view of skyscrapers from the clear floor to ceiling window. She widened her eyes and look at the boy who was already standing next to her with the biggest smile on his face.

"You're lying," She kept shaking her head couldn't believe that this was her new apartment. She was looking around at the minimalist apartment dominated with white and beige colors, completed with similar-colored furnitures.

"Well, yes and no. Technically, this is my new apartment that I hoped to share with my beautiful girl if she wants to move in with me," Her sight went to look at the boy who was dangling a set of keys in front of his face.

"No way," Her lips curved a smile but was soon covered with both her hands as she tried to comprehend what her boyfriend said. He lightly chuckled and shook his head. He placed his hands on her waist and gazed straight into her eyes. "I'm serious baby, do you want to me move in with me?"

She didn't even bother answering him but latching her lips with his. "Is that a yes?"

She smiled softly. "Of course baby, I'd be honored." His smile grew really wide and he connected their lips once more.

"I love you, Rosalie Villega."

"And I love you, Christopher Velez."


A smile curved on her lips in remembrance of it. There's nothing she does that doesn't remind her of him. She remembered everything from how they first met to how their friendship blossomed into a beautiful relationship. She remembered their fights, not particularly in what it was about but in how they always made up, and not to forget the way they made love from the 2 years they've spent by each other's side.

She clearly remembered the smiles they had after knowing they were moving together into the place where she lived now alone. She remembered how nervous he was when he asked her to move in with him, and she clearly remembered her feelings that day. How she realized how much she loved the boy and all the plans she made in their head of the future they had once hoped to share.

She didn't even realize she had shed a tear until she felt a wet stain on her cheeks. She sighed deeply, wiped the tears away from her cheeks and put the photo back inside the notebook to mark the page she had left opened before. She proceeded to opening her laptop, attempting to continue her work with the thought of him lingering inside her mind.


So the first chapter is up, it's more of a prologue really but yeah.

Even though I'm basing this off of James Arthur's song, I'm still making it a CNCO fan fiction and if you've finished reading it thoroughly you'll see that this is a Christopher Velez story 😊

To those of you who are like me and loves James Arthur would know that all his lyrics are really heartfelt and represents the emotion of the song beautifully. Therefore each chapter of the story will be based on an excerpt of the song which I will put either at the beginning or end of each chapters.

Let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote! ❤︎

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