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𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰'𝒗𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒅


Rosalie's POV

A week has passed since I got discharged from the hospital. Things have been going great with everything in my life. I jumped into work a couple days after I got home and completed the doctor-ordered mandatory bedrest for 2 days. I know what you must be thinking, but I'll go crazy without doing anything. Martin insisted that I don't go into the office until I'm fully recovered, which may be impossible, but I can do work from home so I can kill two birds with one stone, quickly recover and finish my job at the same time.

Apparently, going head to head with death can also turn people around. People that hadn't been around suddenly popped back with one sole attention, to see you get better. That's what has happened with my parents. Both of them managed to set aside their differences and reconciled for the recovery of their only daughters and children. It was a sight I thought I may never see again, but Addie and I have been spending a lot of time with them. We got along well again and catch up on a lot of things, Addie with her final year of university and me with my job. Even Addie decided to accompany my mom at the hotel where she's staying.

Of course it wouldn't be my mom without asking about our love lives when dad's not around. Addie was persistent that she wasn't interested in anyone at the moment but then again I tend to catch a glimpse of her smiling a lot at her phone lately, especially when a new notification came up. I will, obviously, question her about it one day when I feel the time is right. But I'll leave her be and let her make up her mind for now. As for my own love life, well that's a whole different thing in its own.

Christopher and I have been quite inseparable ever since I got discharged, well mostly because he can't seem to keep his distance too far from me. He likes to stay over at my apartment a couple of nights when he didn't have any studio sessions with the boys. He took care of me and all my needs since my walking ability has been and will be sucking for a while. The boys also like to come over and we like to discuss the project I have with them and thank God they are actually helpful and our project was more than halfway done and can hopefully be done on time.

My parents are also very welcome towards Chris which was good. This was the first time that they met and I remembered how Chris was so nervous especially with my dad.

"Of course I'm nervous. I'll need his approval if I ever want to marry you." was all he said when I asked why he's so nervous. I always smiled at the thought, even though we might be far from that phase, I'm glad it already crossed his mine that he's thinking about our relationship for the long run.

"Rose, you good?" Ashley asked, snapping me back into reality. Right, me and the girls are having our usual night in that we have once every month. It used to be almost every week but now we're all busy with our jobs but promise to make time for each other at least once a month. It was perfect timing too since the boys were on intense studio session to wrap up the last bit of their EP to be released in a little more than a month.

"Yeah. Things are finally starting to look up for me." The girls all smiled at me.

I knew Jenna personally felt like Chris and I had too big a trouble when we first broke up to rekindle our relationship so fast. But then again I also knew that all she ever wanted was for me to be happy and not get 'depressed' like when I broke up with him.

"I know, you really deserve it Rose. You know all we want is the best for you right?" Megan said and I nodded, assuring her that I do know.

"Yeah I do, thanks girls." We clinked our glass of wine and continued our movie night.

Afraid I might fell asleep in the middle of the movie, I decided to text Chris just so he wouldn't worry.

Christopher's POV

"Ya terminamos!" Erick shouted and did a silly dance. I joined in and everyone was either shaking their heads, laughing or recording us.

We just finished recording all the songs for our EP and all that's left to do was finished editing before we can release it, which we mostly leave to Zabdiel and the production crew.

It was late and we're kind of hungry but too exhausted to go out so Ali ordered some food for us in the studio. Just as I was about to dunk in to the burgers laid out on the table, my phone rang. I opened it and saw a message from Rosie.

Mi Rosie🌹 - Amor, I'm having movie nights at my place with the girls. Just want to let you know incase I fell asleep. Te quiero, have a great recording session. 😘

I smiled at the message and sent a voice note as a reply. I said good night, that I love her and ended with a kissing sound. Everyone looked at me weird but then they let it be as they realized I'm talking to Rosie.

I haven't announced anything to the fans about my relationship with Rosie. Not because she didn't want to but personally I'm not ready for the world to know yet, I still want to keep our relationship to ourselves and to our closest circle only. Clara also said, from the management's point of view that it'll be best to just take a while and focus on our EP first before getting into detail about oir relationship, also because Rosie is still recovering from the accident and she feared that a press attention will be too overwhelming for her and might jeopardize her recovery.

Things aren't awkward with Joel and I anymore, neither with him and Rosie. We've all gone back to normal which was so good. Along with our songs being done, our project with Rosie are also on the final steps of being done. A previous meeting concluded that we will announce our project to the fans the same day on our EP release.

"Hey, so have you thought about which song you'll perform on the day of the release? I think 2 or 3 songs should be okay." Ali asked in the middle of our meal, showing a list of tracks.

"I think this one is an obvious choice, what about the other 2?" Richard proposed and we all agreed.

"Creo que éste. I like my part there." Zabdiel pointed to the sheet of paper then stuck his tongue out. We laughed but agreed with him.

"If you guys are okay, I want to surprise Rosie with the song too." I told them and they all agreed on it too.

"That'll be great, and she hasn't heard it yet so I'm sure she'll be surprised and happy about it." Joel said and I smiled.

"Alright, so that's that. We'll manage the time to rehearse it in between doing the project too. It'll be great you guys!" Ali smiled and we all did too.

We end up clearing the place soon after we finished our meal and went to our own places. I slept alone on my bed tonight with my girl as the last thought on my mind.


And that's 13!

Only two more chapters to go guys! I'm both sad and happy that this story will come to an end 🥺

Can you guess which songs they will perform?

Share your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote! ❤︎

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