i think i do too

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p-i-i- think i- love you

hearing those words come out of his mouth made shivers go down my spine i was shock that someone so emotionless like payton would say that i didn't even notice i was crying until payton wiped my tears 

k-i think i l-love you t-too

he smiled and kissed my cheek i wanted to get him mad so i licked his cheek 

p-wtf kayla thats gross

anger rised in his eyes i ran and he chased 

 k-im sorry 

p-im gonna kill you 

i ran into a room and it look like an office i turned around and locked the door

 j-what are you doing kay

i jumped 

k-you scared me jaden


k-im hiding from payton hes going to kill me 

j-he would never *chuckled*

k-yeah i think he is hes so mad 

j-what happened

k-he told me he thinks he loves me and i licked his cheek

j-wait he said that 

jaden jumped from his chair


then banging on the door

p-angle open the door

k-no your going to kill me 

p-i think we both know i would never hurt you 

k-dont under estimate yourself

j-kayla he wont hurt you

k-yeah cuz you didnt see the anger fill his eyes 


k-payton whenever your angry ur eyes turn black it's scary

p-they do


p-im s-sorry 

j-ok im shock he said sorry 

k-he also smiles *whispered*


he yelled 

i nodded 

p-open the door before i kick it down 



k-i love you 

i opened the door and his eyes were back to normal 

p-i love you too 

we were about to kiss when

j-awwww guys 

we both looked at him with a 'really dude' look 


k-im going to watch a movie wanna join


j-no can do 

k-you guys are like old people in teens bodies 

p-sexy right 

i giggled 


j-hes dead

p-facemask time for him 

k-im i really that bad 

the looked at each other and back at me 


josh ran in 

jh-yes ma'am 

k-who the fuck is 'ma'am im 16 josh 

jh-im 18



k-yet you have a baby face

payton glared at me 

k-its cute tho

i said while grabbing joshes arm and pulling him 

k-we are watching twilight 


we went to the living room and stared watching it when this part happened

*skip to 40 seconds in*

jh-close your mouth kayla your drolling 

he laughed 

k-shut up 

then payton walked in 

p-hey guys whats up

jh-besides the sky kayla drolling for edward cullen

k-shut up Joshua 

p-what im so much better looking than that guy 

i looked at him with a 'whatever makes you sleep at night' look

p-im not?

k-uh sure

josh was laughing like crazy 

k-shut up josh 


k-you are payton but edward is bae


athours note

who do you like better edward or jake?

please say edward

Emotionless to Emotions (P.M)Where stories live. Discover now