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i drove to the training place and walked in


he was punching a punching bag 


i looked to the other side payton was shirtless and sweaty punching the punching bag


blake followed my gaze and laughed 

blake -hahaha go to your man 

i walked to where he was and held the punching bag away from him

p-hi angle 

he kissed me 

p-you look cute

i was just staring 


he snapped me out of my gaze

he chuckled

p-your adorable

k-what were you saying?

p-that you look cute


my phone ringed 

'over call'

f-where are you we are supposed to be riding horses 

k-shit shit ill be there in.....30 min

f-where are you 

k-paytons base

f-that is 1 hour away we leave in 45 

k-look ill be there

i hanged up

k-i have to go or your twin will kill me 


k-she wasnt kidding when she said we were riding horses

p-have fun ill be back by the en of the day

i kissed him 


i walked away

k-bye guys


i got in the car and speed to the house 

.......5 mins away........

i got a call i answer


k-5 mins away faith

f-ok ok see you here

i drove faster 

i got there just in time 

k-put this car in paytons garage


i ran into the house 


k-sorry i was...damn

dixie laughed because she knows what i was day dreamin about

dix-obsessed much

f-ok lets go lets go

we walked out and to faiths car she has a pink yes pink Tesla 

we walked out and to faiths car she has a pink yes pink Tesla 

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