365 days could never!

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i woke up i was sleeping on my side and it hurt so bad i got up and looked at my thigh in i gasped my thigh had a big as bruse fucking payton. ok he was just kinda rough last night but i kinda liked it 

shit up kayla 

i got dressed into a long lose dress and ran downstairs

k-where is payton josh


k-take me there now!

jh-ok get in the limo 

i wanted to show him it really did hurt a lil

jh-so why do you need to see payton so fast?

k-ill tell you after i see him 


he pulled up to the base and i got out 

i walked to the front desk 

k-hi lola

lola worked at the front desk she is the only one i like out of all the girls that work here 

lola-hi kayla

k-where is payton

lola-mr.moormeire is in a meeting right now 

k-great what room?

lola-4th floor room 15

i nodded and walked to the elevator 

i got to the 4th floor and walked to the 15th room 

i walked in the room like a bad bitch 

p-hey angle 


i grabbed his hand 

k-he will be back in 10 mins

j-someone is getting yelled at 

he laughed i glared at him 

we made it to paytons office

p-whats room angle 

k-whats wrong wanna know whats room 

p-i thought i just asked 

i lifted up my dress so he could see

p-oh shit no no no im so sorry 

k-its fine i just wanted you to know so later you wouldnt think something else happened

p-im so sorry i was so rough 

k-pay its ok it doesnt hurt a lot 

p-but it looks bad 

he said 

k-payton it will leave after a while im okay

p-ok ok im just so sorry ill be less rough and is it hurts next time tell me 

k-it didnt hurt tho it hurt this morning 

he nodded and kissed me 

p-ill be homw in a few hours ok 

k-ok then ill spend time with josh dixie is out with her sister 

i didnt know her sister 

p-charlie is here tho

k-is dylan here 

p-no he said he went to visit his mom....that lil fucker 

i giggled 

k-omg hahaha 

i kissed him again we started making out 

k-as much as i want you right now you have work see you later pay

p-way to leave me hanging love you

k-and i love you 

i said walking out the door 

i went back to the front desk

and lola gave me what she always does when i am about to leave .......a lolipop and an icecream cone

im such a kid

k-thanks peach 

i smiled and walked out the base 

i lifted up my dress a lil and josh saw

jh-holy shit


i hummed getting in the limo 

jh-payton be rough 

i laughed 

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