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we sat on the couch i was cuddled up to payton my body between his legs and on top of him and my hand up his hoodie its a thing i do when we cuddle i always put my hand up his hoodie 

d-hey is your hand up his hoodie

p-she always does that

he chuckled 

we were watching the movie 

j-bitch just cheated 

then there was a makeout

jax-damn im hard

why did he have to tell

k-no comment

payton would kiss my head a few times 

the movie ended

payton got a call


still the same old paypay

p-ok ik i have a meeting tmr 

p-go suck a dick you dont tell me what to do!

p-hes dead my girl killed him 

i have no idea what hes talking about 

p-jaden will deal with you people 

p-dont give a fuck bye 

he hanged up

d-your a dick 


alice ran down the stairs and on top of my back 

p-where is the other dog


p-didnt ask 

i giggled his rude

dix-k can i talk to you

k-text me 

she nodded

dixie-i think dylan is cheating 


i said out loud 

i got up from payton and grabbed hand cuffs i cuff on to the pole in the living room and everyone was looking at me

p-what are you doing

i walked to dylan and dragged him to the pole

hey that took a lot of work bitch

i cuffed him

k-so we are going to do a q&a answer rude and theres a kick to the dick


k-whats your fav color


(an-idk )


k-are you cheating on dixie?

d-no...but something did happen


d-emma kissed me 

k-whos emma?

dix-that bitch!!!

p-emma is a worker at the front desk

j-shes your secretary payton

p-really? she looks like a clown 

i laughed 

k-did you kiss back



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