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Blitzo "See Moxxie, everyone likes musicals."

Moxxie didn't say anything but just rolled his eyes at his boss's antics.

Charlie and Vaggie glares at Angle. "Angel."

Angle Dust points to the screen, "Just watch."

The guy got crushed by a flying bolder.

Charlie "I-uh, think that's... good?"

Alastor "Now this is a world of entertainment."

Sir Pentious "How dare you missy bitch!"

Angle Dust "Ya sure not talking about yourself there, Sissy Fang?"

Cherri "Ooh! Burn!"

All of the men wince at Tom Trench's pain.

Husk "Ouch." 

Millie "Just how long has she been doing that to him?"

Loona "Since she got here, of course."

Moxxie "Do not talk to my wife like that!"

Loona "Whatever, Dimwit."

Katie Killjoy's savage threat

Lucifer "I may not like my daughter's ideals, but I won't stand by when low leave demon sinners such as yourself talk shit to my darling princess." became more dark and sinister at news anchor reporter lady.

Katie Killjoy felt like she's in deep shit.

Charlie singing

Millie "I like the song."

Charlie "Thank you."

Angel fighting with Cherri against Sir Pentious 

Vaggie curses at Angel for ruining everything they were working for.

Angel Dust "Hey she needed help."

Cherri "And I'm really glad he came."

The limo ride

Nifty "You have a persona?"

Angle Dust doesn't reply, but wishes for everyone to drop it.

Charlie leaving a message to her mom on the phone

Lilith shots a small glare at her husband.

Lucifer 'I'm in trouble.'

Alastor appears at the door, "Hel-" only to the door shuts in his face. Opens again, "-lo." and to be shut in his face again.

Everyone, minus the Radio Demon, laughs at the funny scene.

Loona even records it on her phone.

Charlie "Yeah looking back on that, it was kind of funny."

The screen starts to glitch uncontrollably as Alastor says "I would have done so already." 

Cherri "Whoa that was freaky."

Katie Killjoy "Is he serious?"

Millie "Yeah, why would he want to help?"

Alastor explains his reasons

Blitzo "That explains it."

Vaggie tells Angel Dust the origin story of the Radio Demon

Moxxie, Millie even Blitzo shivers at the images .

Angel Dust "You got to admit the art style is pretty cool."

The guys laugh at Angel Dust's discription on Alastor.

Husk "He most fucking does."

Lucifer smiles at his daughter learning his advice "That's my princess."

Nifty "Look there's me!"

Cherri "So you agree to work as long as you get cheep booze?"

Husk "Yeah."

Alastor's singing and Sir Pentious crashes the party

Lucifer "You always have a thing for going out in style."

Blitzo "Kinda wish what our styles would be like at the party."

Millie and Moxxie were swinging to the music in each other's arms, until the music comes to an end.

Millie "Aw, we were just at the good part."

Loona "Does this guy ever gives up?"

Cherri "No he doesn't."

Alastor's destroys Sir Pentious machine

Everyone who has not seen Alastor's work starts at him just like Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Nifty and Husk on screen.

Charlie "I'm still not happy that you've changed the name of our hotel."

Alastor only smiles bigger.

39,228,323 views • Oct 28, 2019 (And still increasing)

Loona "Oh fuck! That's a lot of views!"

Cherri "No kidding!"

Shinshinjane "And it's the most popular video on YouTube."

Husk "Hey! How the fuck are you?"

Shinshinjane "Shinshinjane, You hostess for you time being."

Husk "Whatever you say Shitshitjane." He laughs at her

Shinshinjane "Oh, like I never heard that before." Snaps her fingers and all of the weapons in the multiverse appears around her pointing at the feather winged cat. "Say that again, and your inners will become tonight's dinner and your skin will be a new throw rug."

Husk only drops his cheep booze with his hands up in surrender and nods his head in fear.

That moment on, no one dares to mock or make fun of their hostess's name ever again.

Shinshinjane "Now, let's continue on with our show."

Moxxie "Our what now?"

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