Fanfiction stories online part 1

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Shinshinjane "Before we start I like to bring in two more guest in with us."

With a snap of her fingers, two more demons appeared in the room with them and the moment they appeared. Angel knew who these demons are.

Angel Dust "Arackniss. Molly."

Molly "Angel!"

Arackniss "..."

Molly rushes over and hugged Angel, who returns the hug. While Arackniss just said, "Hey Tony." and Angel replies back with "Hey Nissy."

Before either of the brothers could pull out their guns at each other, Charlie intervene.

Charlie "Angel, not to be rude, but who are these people?"

Molly walks over and offers a handshake. "Hi, I'm Molly. Angel's twin sister. And Arackniss is our older brother."

Vaggie "How come you'd never told us you have siblings?"

Angel "You didn't asked."

Vaggie inward groans at the obvious answer and kicking herself over it.

The Young Silver Spider by: Pinkie pie sweets
A new Spider Demon with silver hair named Silver Crystal... Crystal for short appears in Hell and join Charlie and her friends on how to redeem demons so they can go to Heaven. Crystal ends up having an insane adventure after her death. Will she be able to survive? And will she want to redeem herself to reach Heaven?"

Angel Dust "So she's like me then?"

Molly "That is so cute."

Shinshinjane "Yes, and she might even like you. If you know what I mean."

Angel Dust "You do know that I'm gay, right?"

Shinshinjane "Yes, but remember that this is just the fandom talking. But if you want my opinion, I think it's fine who you choose to love no matter the gender of who that person is."

Everyone stares at the hostess in awe at her speech.

Angel Dust gives her a kind smirk smile, "Wow, thanks. That means a lot."

Shinshinjane "You're welcome."

Vaggie "Wow, that's deep."

Charlie "And she manage to get Angel to open up a little."

Shinshinjane "Oh and just so you know, the story is mostly about adventure and drama. It didn't say anything about romance, just a unique friendship sort of way. It's still new okay?"

Husk "Shouldn't you say that before?"

Shinshinjane "Oh go eat out of your litterbox."

Blitzo "Ooo."

Alastor *screech* "Ha! That's a pretty good one."

Everyone laugh at Shinshinjane's comeback while Husk grumbles curses in anger.

My Atlantis by: NalaxSimba
Cherri's tried to take Valentino down, but he knows...and wants revenge. Cherri's only chance at survival is to go under the protection of the Radio Demon, with a catch. Now working as a security guard for the Happy Hotel, Cherri discovers she may have a chance at redemption, but is she willing to leave her life of sin behind? Her coworker Husk is not making the choice any easier.

Cherri Bomb "Holy shit."

Vaggie "Oh holy shit indeed."

Charlie "Well at least you're safe with us."

A Mother's Song by: Element and Mylenapony
(Hazbin Hotel) The Spider Siblings never had a mom, and their dad wasn't the best person. But they did have a someone to look after them. A mother figure in their life. One day, she disappeared and was never seen again... That is until, that one fateful day in Hel.

Molly "That is so sweet."

Angel "You said it, sis."

Arackniss "Not bad."

No one spoke out there thoughts on this fan story, sensing the mood of how personal it is to the spider siblings.

Daddy Issues by: Deepdivediva
Angel Dust has been in Hell long enough to know how to survive: keep your head down and your witty comebacks at the ready and you'll be just fine.

Things change however when a mysterious young teen is literally dropped into his life, and it seems like all of hell is suddenly after her for a reason unknown to both of them.

Taking pity on the kid, Angel Dust reluctantly helps to hide her, and now finds himself invested in the well-being of this total stranger. Taking on a parental role as the two begin to bond, but he knows that this can't last forever...

After all if Angel Dust knows one thing about Hell it's that you can't get attached to anyone.

Charlie "Awe, Angel. That is so kind of you."

Millie "I can't believe someone want's to marry a young girl who just recently died."

Blitzo "Not to mention to put a bounty on her head."

Angel glare daggers at the boss imp, it may be a fanfiction but if something like that ever happens for real. Then there is hell to pay.

Everybody Eventually Snaps: A Hazbin Hotel One-shot by: Rosaura Radcliffe
If you were to ask anybody, they would say that while naïve and optimistic, and a bit of a laughing stock. Charlie Mage the Princess of Hell was the most kindhearted in Pentagram City. thinking that such a kind soul could never harm a fly, but everyone has a snapping point; she is the devil's child after all. Rated M just to be safe.

Husk "Okay that's pretty fucking scary shit right there. I hope you never do that to us here."

Charlie smiles at him, "No promises!"

Arackniss whispers quietly to his siblings "I can't tell if she's happy or crazy."

Angel Dust clasp his hand over his older brother's mouth, "Shut up! You don't want her to hear you."

Arackniss made a smart choice by taking his younger brother's advice.

Guys, The TV Demon Is At The The Door by: YawningSlowpoke
A final breakup leads to horrific consequences. Having nowhere else to go, Vox decides to resort to the Happy Hotel. Though he's not exactly welcomed by everyone, except Charlie.(ONE SHOT)

Charlie "Say what now?"

Alastor "Why in the nine circles would that picture show head come to the hotel?!"

Angel Dust "Well he did breakup with Val. And big V doesn't give a shit about kindness to anyone."

A Human child in Hell By: lozzadozza89
After being kidnapped by cultists, Nine year old Ella is sent to hell whilst still Alive during a ritual and is now trapped there. How will hell's residents react to a living human entering their realm, and will Ella manage to get back to her own world?

Blitzo "What's up with these humans now a-days?"

Shinshinjane "I question that every time."

Vaggie "I'm having a hard time believing that you've saved a human child."

Alastor "I may be a serial killer, an overlord, and a cannibal. But I would never in my entire life harm a child. Not even in my after life."  

Charlie's smile extends ever more wider, almost about to come off her face.

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