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Angel Dust "'Fix this shit.' Dang, you guys are in a sink or swim situation aren't ya?"

Blitzo "Uh hey, excuse me. We are doing great in our company and tell me, how is your hotel is doing?"

Vaggie points her spear at Blitzo's neck "Did you seriously go there?"

The imp demon boss gulps and put his hands up in surrender.

Alastor "I do believe I can agree with you there my dear."

The advertisement jiggle, the boy getting shot and the hospital.

Nifty bounce on her feet "This is funny!"

Charlie "Did you really have to show those dead nude couple in your commercial jingle?"

Blitzo "It's part of the song."

Seeing the boy getting shot by accident, the Hazbin Hotel cast were shock as the Helluva Boss were on screen.

Tom Trench "What's up with her voice?"

Vaggie "But the kid's been shot in the head!"

Sir Pentious "And what the heck is insurance?"

Cherri "Ha! Now that's how ya leave a hospital!"

Angel Dust "Nice comeback there, shorty."

Moxxie "I am not a shorty, you tall... wanna be, uh... spider head!"

Angel Dust "Like I said before, why not try to think of something creative to call me you sack of bleeding horse shit!"

Charlie "Angel!"

Those who know his insult joke, laughs.

Moxxie listing off of Loona's job behavior. First; was hanging up on Millie whos been stabbed.

Nifty "That was rude."

Loona "She could've called Moxxie first."

Millie "I called the company for Moxxie."

Then was the gift from Blitzo, with Loona asking "Is it a cure for Syphilis?"

Cherri "Oh girl."

Vaggie "Ouch."

Charlie "Can I help you with that uh, problem?"

Nifty "Yikes."

Angel Dust "Aw, the little guys really likes you."

Loona "A little too much for my liking."

Loona watching Charlie's song on the computer, while Moxxie questions the flyer add for weight loss.

Charlie gasp in excitement "You watched my performance!"

Loona "It was mostly for the news."

Alastor "It was quite an entertainment!"

Vaggie "Still why would anyone send that?"

Eating Moxxie's lunch due to a hangover from this morning, and then kicks a baby stroller.

Husk "She gets the idea."

Cherri "Holy shit!"

Nifty "Oh My God! That poor baby!"

Blitzo complaining that if he hadn't slept with Stolas they wouldn't have access to the living world. Moxxie stares at him and said "You what?"

Everyone but Stolas and Blitzo and his 'family', "You/Ya what?"

Blitzo "It was one time, people. ONE. TIME!"

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