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(A/N In this one Rimmer is already a Hard Light Hologram.)

"Come on Y/n just come with us!" Lister had asks for about the millianth time this hour.

"No Lister! I am not going fishing with you! It's bad enough you're leaveing Rimmer here! You know i hate fishing anyways." I say rolling my eyes and walking back into my sleeping quarters.

I decided to take one of my books to read and sat on my bed. I had just started the second page when i heard a knock at the door. "For the last time Lister i'm not going to- oh, Rimmer, hey." I say when i open the door to find the hologram.

"Hello Y/n, I was wondering if i could have a word?" He asks with a smile of fake confidince.

"Well Rims i'm not sure how i can give you words but come in and we could talk." I say with sarcasim but let him in. The hologram laughths a little as he walks in. "So what brings you to my little slice of hell?" I ask even though my quarters are cleaner and look nicer than his.

"Well i thought that maybe you'd like to whach a documentrey with me?" He asks hopefull. I cock an eyebrow.

"Which one? And when?" I ask. I had promised Kryten that i'd fold sheets with him in an hour since Lister said he was going to play table golf with Cat.

"I was thinking a WWII documentrey tomorrow afternoon?" He asked and i nodded.

"Yeah, okay sure. See you around 4pm tomorrow?" He smiles i give him a small mock salute and he walks away after giveing me his usual salute back.

I had went to find Kryten in order to fufill my promis. As expected i had found him in the laundrey room. "Hey Kryten" i say as i walk in the room.

"Oh hello miss Y/n ma'am how are you?" He asks as he had picked up a sheet to start folding.

"Oh i am quite alright thank you Kryten" i give him a big smile.

"If you do not mind me asking but why is it that you have the grin of the chesire cat?" I looked at Kryten kind of shocked he got that refrence.

"Who told you that Krites?" I ask pritty sure i knew the answear.

"Well Mr Lister-"

"Ah of corse" i say interrupting the mecanoied. "Kryten can you keep a secret?" I ask as we pick up another sheet.

"Well yes ma'am" Kryten replies and my smile returns.

"Well Rimmer had asked me to whach this documentelrey with him tomorrow." I tell the mecinoid and he abruptly stops folding the sheet.

"Mr Rimmer? Asked you to see a documentrey? Well what did you say?"

"Well i said yes" i say unsure of how my tone came across.

"Said yes? To what?" I jumped a little at Hollys sudden apperance.

"Holly! How many times have i asked you not to do that!" I say hand on my chest.

"Sorry Y/n" I nod.

"Hold on are we not all ment to be going fishing tomorrow?" Kryten asks i shake my head.

"You people didn't ask Rimmer to go and i hate fishing so i refused to so it'll just be us on the ship." I state matter of factualy.

After some time Kryten and i had finally finished folding. I was walking along the corridor to Lister and Rimmers quarters as i was board and useually this is where they are.

"Hey guys." I say as i walk in. There is a silence and tension. A lot of tension. "Oh god what happend now?" I ask the three of them, Lister, Cat and Rimmer, who were all sat around the room.

"Goalpost head says you two have a date." Cat says as if its nothing.

"Wait, hold up, you never said anything about it being a date." I say looking at Rimmer who was on the bed. Lister laugthed.

"ididn'tthinkyou'dsayyes." Rimmer mutterd. Lister laughed even harder and i just looked at him confused.

"Sorry what?" I ask.

"Ididn'tthinkyou'dsayyes." He said a little louder.

"Rimmer-" he got up and walked out the room. I looked at Cat and Lister and shrugged.

"What do i do?" I ask them.

"Go talk to him" Lister says and i walk out the room. I try walking around, or running, around the ship trying to look for Rimmer but considering it's the size of a city it seemed pointless.

"Holly?" I ask as i slowed to a halt.

"Yes?" Holly, the ships computer asks in reply.

"Holly, where's Rimmer?"

"Mr Rimmer is no longer in my bounds." Once i herd that i perked up. 'The air feild around the ships exit!' I think and start to run.

When i get there i see Rimmer gazing into the distance lost in thought. I go to stand beside him and he doesn't seem to notice my presance.

"I would've said yes if you're wondering." I said and he turns to me then.

"What?" He asks as if i spoke an entiraly diffrent language.

"If you asked me as a date. I would've said yes. All you had to do was ask." I smiled and put a hand on his sholder.

He puts his hand on top of mine and smiles as well. I pull him in for a hug. After a short while we pull apart and he begins to leave.

"Rimmer!" I shout and he turns.

"Yes?" He says eyebrow cocked.

"Ask me again." I say smileing.

"Y/n, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asks slowly walking back tiwards me.

"I would love to." I say and my smile grows.

"I'll pick you up at 16.00?" He says and I nod.

"I'll see you there." And i walk away with the biggist smile on my face.

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