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The burning eyes of the oranges haired male were glued to his phone screen, many pictures and videos pop up then followed by the now widely known #Yoonmin. He sighed loudly before muting the electronic just to slam it down to the desk beside him and rest his head against the bed's headboard.

It was so peaceful and quiet until some jokesters have managed to barge in with so much energy that it felt like they did not just do hours long of the Blood, Sweat & Tears showcase.

The orange-haired male groans annoyedly as he then opened his eyes to see the two idiots dancing in joy and excitement.

"Hobi hyung! Did you saw it?! Did you witness a miracle?" Taehyung exclaims as his box smile just kept getting wider and wider by the second.

"What now?" J-Hope looks at the couple in confusion.

"The Yoonmin hashtag is trending No.1 and also the articles about Yoongi's secret crush on the no jam hyung." Jungkook explains and flashes his phone to J-hope who is looking so unamused.

"Oh and we know now why Suga hyung hurriedly went to the bathroom after the stage." Taehyung said with a cheeky grin and it made Hoseok even more perplexed than he already is.

"W-Why?" J-hope questioned but immediately regretted asking when his heart dropped at the next word that came out so easily his dongsaeng's mouth.

"He got a boner while performing because of Jimin!" Taehyung clasp his hands together and nudged Jungkook's shoulder. "Jungkookie?"

"Ah yes Hoseok hyung, Armys got the video shared everywhere...Do you wanna see?" Jungkook asks and showed the video his hyung.

"No it's fine, I'm going to take a nap." J-hope denied and push Jungkook's phone away from his face before getting into the blanket. shut his eyes tightly, the male wanted to disappear just like bubbles at that very moment.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other confusedly as they left the room without saying another word, leaving the male dancer crying silently in his sleep.

*In The Studio*

"Shit, what am I suppose to do now? What if Jimin found out about this whole Yoonmin thing!" Yoongi frustratedly ruffles his hair then gripped on to his head like it was about to explode because of the mess he had created.

"Your lucky that Jimin's phone is dead so he left it here at the dorm and that only means he won't know yet..." Jin said calculatingly. "The others are probably freaking out now, Yoongi?

Yoongi stayed silence as his eyes wander off to the plain wall of his genius lab but then he immediately snapped his focus back to Jin after a short silence.

"Leave." Yoongi coldly said and the elder male got startled a bit so he then nodded slowly before exiting the room, leaving the black hair male all tensed up and felt the urged to just dig a hole and hide there forever.

After Yoongi calmed down and keep his mind positive so he could start cunning about how to escape the current situation and as expected his genius mind never failed to come up with a genius plan, he abruptly stood up and walked out of his second home.

Marching through the corridor, he sees his four bandmates sniggering loudly in the living room but it did not take long for them to notice Yoongi's presence and started bombarding him with questions.

"Suga hyung what are these all about? the hashtag is trending everywhere!" Namjoon said frantically.

"So you like my soulmate?!" Taehyung walked towards Yoongi, pretending to start a fight but in everyone's eyes, it was just the definition of 'cute'.

One True Pair | yoonmin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now