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*2 Weeks Later*

It's been over two weeks now and Yoongi has been locking himself up inside the studio. There were dark circles under his eyes and his hair looked like it hasn't been washed for days.

The black-haired male look and sound like a dead zombie walking alive!

He even got skinnier and his body became bony to the point that Yoongi had to come up with a decision to only wear baggy clothes from now on so that he could hide his loss of weight from the members who he already knows would be worried sick if they ever find out.

Yoongi also hasn't eaten much since the last dinner he had with the younger because he just simply didn't felt like eating or being himself anymore.

There was no point, his angel is gone.

There will be no warm hugs, holding hands, happy smiles or the sweet exchange of compliments and comfort which make the frail rapper suffocates more as days passed as all he does is work and work, he would get to see the younger's face only if they have group activities.

But that wasn't all that happened in these past weeks, the fans have been noticing how Yoongi and Jimin became distant and awkward around each other.

There were no skinship or small talks between them and so this leads to their breakup rumour to erupt.

It's funny how the tables have turned, at first fans were dying for a confirmation about the popular rumoured ship but now they are demanding a Yoonmin breakup explanation.

Then finally, the day Yoongi wished would not arrive came faster than he thought, Bighit Entertainment has confirmed the latest rumour...

Yoonmin has officially broken up their short term relationship.

*Genius Lab*

"Yoongi come on! we need to practice." Jin chimed as he walked into the studio just to see his worn-out roommate crashed out on the working table like always. "Yoongi? Are you still alive?

Disturbing voices waking him up, the black-haired male slowly opens his tired eyes and without any energy left inside of his empty soul, he mumbled a breathless yes, answering his hyung's worried question.

"Oh god, you look worse every day!" Jin soon exclaimed as he observingly scans Yoongi's colourlessly pale face and his dirtied oversized black jumper.

"Thanks..." Yoongi quietly muttered as he ruffles his greasy black messy hair with all the energy he can manage to summon right now.

"That's not a compliment." The pink-haired elder shooked his head in disagreement "Get ready, we got practice in half an hour, I made you some ramen and this time please eat it."

Feeling drained for doing absolutely nothing, Yoongi nodded his head once as his eyes then travel on their own to the plain boring wall and blankly stares at it like that piece of cement got an answer to his misery, he looked lifeless and it was easy to tell.

In no time, the wide shoulder guy placed a plastic cup of ramen in front of his zombie looking roommate and exited the studio, hoping that his dongsaeng would at least eat half of it or even pick up the chopsticks if it wasn't too much for him.

The dark-haired male then stares soullessly at the food in front of him and with shaky hands, he manages to pick up the chopsticks before putting that yummy noodles inside his slow chewing mouth.

However, it was only the second bite and Yoongi felt the ridiculous act of his emptied stomach doing flips after flips.

And when he couldn't take it anymore, the frail man rushly stood up from his working leather chair and throw himself to the nearest bin just to start vomiting in it like every other day, it almost became a pathetic habit.

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