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"B-but Hobi hyung is gonna h-hate me now! H-he will hate me f-forever." Jimin cries harder as the elder gaze down at him with guilty eyes.

"It's all my fault, if only I restrict my horny ass and did not cross the line, none of this would have happened and Jimin wouldn't be crying like this..." Yoongi thought, feeling heavyweights on his slouched shoulder as wrongfulness conquered him entirely.

"Trust me, it's going to be fine, he won't hate you." The dark-haired make soothed, trying to comfort the latter but Jimin only kept crying, his angelic voice shattering apart.

"Y-you probably h-hate me too right hyung? I ruined e-everything! I get in between your relationship h-hyung...I'm so s-so-rry but you can hate m-" The dancer wailed out as he looks up at the elder with red puffy eyes.

Before Jimin could finish his misunderstood guesses about Yoongi's feeling towards him, the elder has pulled him into a warm secure embrace and now his silver head is comfortably resting against a broad chest.

And for a second, Jimin swore that he heard the racing heart of his hyung but that was probably just in his imagination.

"Shh~ you are talking too much, I will never hate you Jiminie, never." Yoongi murmured calmly as he caressed Jimin's slender back while the younger just sob in silence and nuzzled his head further into the crooks of Yoongi's pillow-like neck, finding the comfort that he needed.

"J-jiminie..." The dancer mumbles as his heart started beating faster after hearing the nickname he was yearning to be whispered out from the elder's dangerous lips.

"H-hyung can we just forget about it, the kiss and you know?"

"If that's what you want then I'm fine with it." The rapper nodded understandingly. Jimin probably thinks that it was a mistake too, it's better to just let things go...

After a couple of minutes of Yoongi comforting the latter with sweet words and little compliment such as 'You are the best' or 'Did you know that you are my favourite dongsaeng?', Jimin's rolling tears were quick to leave his pretty face since a beautiful smile and endless giggles manage to make an appearance even in the darkest moment.

The elder cannot lie that he felt relieved after noticing how Jimin was smiling so giddily at his words but he did not stop there, he continued flooding the male's ear with ringing compliments.

But what made the younger blush a shade of bright pink is when the elder would casually say. 'Jimin ah keep in mind that you are the person I care for the most, I promise I will never let you go or let you cry alone again.'

Soon, their limited moment came to an end...

"Hey Jimin! are yo-" A tall guy barged into the room with lips parting to finish his sentence that immediately had to pause.

Instead, the ash brown-haired member let out a loud gasp as he sees the sight of two men hugging peacefully on the bed. "Oh Yoongi hyung you're here too?"

As soon as Jimin hears their leader's surprised voice, he alertly pushed his way out of Yoongi's warm embrace while batting his eyes away shyly, cheeks turning pink because of pure embarrassment after getting caught in doing something so innocently.

"Why are you here?" Yoongi scowled, a little annoyed since his clumsy friend has managed to ruin his cuddling session with Jimin.

"PD nim wants you both in his office now." Namjoon dutifully cleared his throat as Yoongi mentally groaned, he could already guess what it's gonna be about...

A few moments later...

"Explain yourself." The middle-aged man demanded, turning around on his chair to pissedly face the two members who are in big trouble.

One True Pair | yoonmin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now