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"Lap dance! Lap dance! Bunny Lap dance!"

Out of perplexity, Yoongi's eyes widen like a vast ocean when the stripper was so quick to seat herself down on his lap and continued her show without the black-haired male's permission.

"Fuck..." Yoongi harshly clutched both sides of the red leather couch that he was slouched on and threw his spinning head back from the overwhelming pleasure.

However, when his hazy eyes landed on the sight that was too sexually explicit to begin with, Yoongi quickly swiped a tongue over his lips before gaze away at something else that isn't the smirking stripper on top of him.

Suddenly, he feels Nayeon's acrylic nails brushing against his sharp jawline and soon acknowledged how the tip of her controlling fingers on his face was forcing him to focus only on her.

Unable to control himself, Yoongi's gaze became lustful as he stares intensely at the stripper who has a fucked out expression on her voluptuous face accompanied by her heavy hooded eyes and parted red lip that divulges those half moaning sounds.

Not only that, the rapid motion against his awakening groaning was becoming much faster and intoxicating almost for Yoongi to keep calm and be his usual self but the question is could he handle Bunny?

The answer became obvious in the next second because before he even knew it, an unnecessarily large boner has formed inside his sweatpants and Yoongi blamed it all on his man instinct.

Hating the fact that he actually obtained a boner from someone that isn't an angel with glossy plump lips, smiley eyes and all those little things Yoongi loves so much, the rapper take in a sharp deep breath and closed his lids with disappointment.

But the night couldn't have gotten worse when Yoongi choked out a small gasp once he feels a soft pair of lips attached to his neck like a leech.

For what that seemed like an eternity, a darkening bruise was formed and Yoongi's deadly grip on the sofa became loose from relaxation when he noticed that the woman dressed in a bunny costume has finally retreated her lips and halted her hips as the rapper's boner continues to stand tall against her wet pussy.

"Thank you, daddy." Bunny whispered cutely before she stumbled off the elder's lap and swiftly turned on her heels to leave Yoongi feeling aroused and sweaty.

In no time, the black-haired male felt a storm of guilt rushing through his body as the thing inside his pants made him feel like a total cheater even if Jimin isn't even his in the first place.

Groaning at himself, Yoongi hurried off to the nearest toilet and locked himself in an empty stool for a good few minutes before exiting the humid club as the night's fresh air greets him and cools down whatever he had ongoing back there.

However, it couldn't have gotten worse when Yoongi realised that he has forgotten his wallet back at the dorm. "Fuck! What's wrong with me?"

And that is how the famous rapper ended up running back home just to meet one angry mochi who was shocked from his sweating madly state.

*End Of Flashback*

"Did Jimin saw the news yet?" Yoongi questioned himself before getting ready to check up on the latter but his footsteps instantly halted when his studio's door swung open and revealed a smaller figure.

"Yoongi hyung!" Jimin immediately jumps into his hyung's opened arms as he deeply buried his face in the crooks of the elder's neck that smelled of manly perfume and let Yoongi calmly holds him by the waist.

"I-I'm sorry hyung, please f-forgive me!."

Yoongi's heartaches as he listens to the younger's broken sob while caressing the male's slim back in an up and down motion. "You don't have to say sorry, you did nothing wrong Jiminie."

One True Pair | yoonmin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now