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"Oh my god!" The wide shoulder guy shouted shockedly as he immediately plops his widened eyes down.

When the lead rapper heard a familiar honey-like voice he hears every morning and before bed, instinctively the first thing that came up to his mind was to pull down Jimin's sweater to cover up the younger's inner thighs in a protective manner.

"I'm so sorry! I'm just gonna go now, bye!" Jin awkwardly announced before slamming the door shut and left the two male blushing away into the thick air.

Jimin bit on his bottom lips nervously as his pulse increases, he cannot believe what was about to happen a minute ago. He certainly did not expect Yoongi to even kiss him back but what he did not imagine is for the elder to lost control and was literally so close to eating his ass up right there.

"Shit..." Yoongi whispered underneath his breath once he finally realised what situation he was in. He is a cheater...he ditched his own first date just to make out with Jimin on his own bed that his boyfriend hasn't even touched yet.

Yoongi was feeling so guilty for his boyfriend, Hoseok is still probably waiting for him at an empty reserved table in a fancy booked restaurant and he's here half-undressed with a cute male that is covered with many hickeys and love bites made by him, the latter's hair was messy and lips were all swollen and abused.

"It was a mistake." Yoongi broke the silence without thinking of his own feelings and how he actually loved what he and Jimin were getting it on a second ago.

Hearing his hyung's short and simple words, Jimin bolted his head up to confusedly look at the male who had already climbed off him just to sit on the edge of the bed and start buttoning up his shirt up.

"What mistake?" Jimin asked slowly, feeling his throat getting drier. Why did the elder even kiss him back if it was a mistake? He was sure that Yoongi liked what they were doing.

"Everything." Yoongi regretfully sighed, debating about how he was being such a bad boyfriend for the ginger head dancer.

The black-haired male was taught to be a loyal man who keeps his words but most importantly, control himself but with what he committed just then? It was the complete opposite of his father's words.

"So he really does not love me." Jimin sullenly thought, feeling his eyes getting tearier by the second, maybe he shouldn't have done this, maybe he should just stop getting in between Yoongi's relationship with his dear roommate.

"Then why did you kiss me back? you could have pushed me away." Jimin says dryly, getting caught up in his throat but he needed to know why the elder made him feel wanted before throwing him away like pieces of useless lyrics notes by saying that it was simply only a silly mistake.

"I-I wasn't thinking straight okay?!" Yoongi panickedly answered.

It's not like he enjoyed what they did just then right? No, he fucking loved it and now guilt was swallowing him up for every single second of it.

Moreover, he hates how Jimin still has so much effect on him, he hates how the younger has managed to make him loses sanity, he hates himself for loving every touch, every kisses, every lustful eye contact and every, every, every! just everything! Jimin does to him.

"I'm sorry h-hyung...I shouldn't have kissed you first, I ruined your date with Hobi hyung just for something so meaningless to you." Jimin murmured defeatedly while wiping his tears away but it was now Yoongi's turn to frown at what the younger just said.

Soon, he came back to his own self and focuses only on his feelings that fought hard to make things right because after all, he realised that it wasn't meaningless nor another stupid mistake of his. But was it too late to make things right?

One True Pair | yoonmin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now