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3rd Person's POV

"21:29." The blue-haired male sighed for the thousandth time since the night falls and decided to put his phone aside before forcing his attention back to the closed wooden door of his bedroom. Is he coming back? What if Jiminie is staying at the dude's house? No, he wouldn't dare to.


Suddenly, the door that seems like it wouldn't be opened for hours more unlocked and revealed no one other than Park Jimin who has just arrived back from his date.

His palm around the silver doorknob loosening its once firm grip, Jimin's breathing hitches like a snapped twig when his surprised eyes landed on Yoongi who was waiting by the edge of the bed, shirtless.

Not to mention the rapper's fixed-pitch black orbs that seemed to be burning directly into his poor soul and making the dancer feels a rush of cold shivers running down his spine at the dangerous amount of tension in this room which was becoming suffocating almost.

"How was your date?" Yoongi simply asked with a soothing voice that does not match with his devil's gaze at all and the sensation of that alone was making Jimin feel weak on his knees as he avoids sparing another look at the male's exposed milky abdomen and those piercing orbs.

"I-It was a-awesome!" Staring at the wall on his left, Jimin failed to not stammer and act as if he was not the slightest bit of intimidated which only makes Yoongi chuckled dryly before striding towards the other with his strong demeanour remaining calm.

"What's with the stutters Jiminie? Nervous?" Yoongi's mouth curved up into a lopsided smirk as he brings his calloused fingers up to gently caress the younger's bottom lips which can be seen gleaming with gloss. "I wonder...did that bastard gave you a sweet goodbye kiss?"

"Why do you care?" Finally meeting the elder's challenging eyes and staring back as fiercely as he can, Jimin fights back the feeling of wanting to collapse right there because of the elder's delicate touch against his lips which felt like forever.

"Because I'm your boyfriend and you just went on a fucking date with some random asshole, did you enjoy it baby?" Yoongi rasps through his gritted teeth as he kept circling the pad of fingers on the younger's plumb lips as if he was putting a spell on the blonde who can barely be heard letting out a small sensitive whimper.

"Did he took you to a nice restaurant then ordered some expensive medium raw steak to go with a glass of rich red wine?" Yoongi snarled, hating the idea even more once it was spoken out loud but Jimin was frowning now because really, why would Yoongi even care?

After all, he was certain that the elder would go back and let Bunny kiss him in the studio if he has the chance and surely, Yoongi won't be wasting his precious time in giving him a piece of mind since he simply doesn't matter but what the fuck? This isn't what he expected.

"H-hyung, what do you think you're doing?" Jimin hesitated after noticing how Yoongi's eyes kept flickering between his eyes and his lips as if he still love him but he desperately needs to know why.

Those 3 days which he had used to ignore the elder by either going to the studio or hanging around with Jungkook and Taehyung was questionable because Yoongi wouldn't give up trying no matter how much he got turned down.

"What am I doing?" Yoongi repeated the question which had his jaws clenching before meeting Jimin's genuinely confused eyes. "Aren't I'm the one who supposed to be asking you that? Why did you ignore me Jimin ah? Tell me what I did wrong and I'll fix it."

Taking in a deep breath, Jimin let out a shaky sigh because trust me, confronting has always been a difficult thing that can have either positive or negative responses but by now, he is ready to have his heart even more broken than it already is.

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