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"Come in!" Bang PD shouted, signalling the members he had called for to enter his studio with nervous facial expressions. 

Bang PD then motion Yoongi and Jimin to sit on the chairs across from him and the both male couldn't help but wonder why did their boss called them, are they in trouble?

"And for the last time boys, You are not in trouble." Bang PD chuckled and they both sighed in relief. 

"Then why are we here?" Yoongi ask, getting straight to the point as Bang PD then leaned forward and clasp his hands together which made Jimin startled by the sudden sound that echoed through the room.

"Yoonmin should be official." Bang PD calmly says and it made Yoongi's eyes widen in shock whilst Jimin loudly shouted 'WHAT!' as his heart starts racing fast.

"You boys are everyone's OTP, the fans ship it and we should give what the fans wants." The boss paused.

"It's your duty remember? and of course, we aren't doing this for free, I received many sponsorships from the company who wants to work with you and that only means good and good, it will bring more popularity to the group and you will both get money from doing commercials too!"

"Is this because of the cosplay news this morning?" Yoongi looked at his boss with seriousness.

"Yes, your guess is right." Bang PD says and Yoongi held his forehead frustratedly but on the other hand the idea of him dating Jimin just seems so unreal.

It did not take for long for Yoongi's cheeks turned slightly pink as he thinks of all the cute things couples do and how him and Jimin would actually get a chance to do it.

On the other hand, he would hate to force this cute dongsaeng to date someone like him because he knows that the younger only see him as his hyung and would not possibly like him back, those thoughts made the elder feel sad and pitied himself, Jimin would not agree so he should not keep his hopes so high.

As for Jimin, he found this opportunity as a chance for him to get Yoongi's focuses and also the affection he would receive just sounds too perfect for the silver-haired male, he wonders what it would feel like to date Yoongi but not a single thought of his roommate's opinions has entered his head. 

"I will give you some time to decide." Bang PD said before walking out of the room, leaving the both male in awkward silence.

Yoongi looked blankly stared at the floor as he feels his heart getting tighter at the awkward silence. He doesn't want to get rejected although he hates the idea of faking a relationship with someone who is actually his entire world.

Jimin is his light in the dark, the ice in his americano and the reason he felt motivated to ditch his precious sleep just to watch another compilation video of the cute male. The younger is all he could think of every day and trust me it's not healthy for Yoongi.

"Let's date, Yoongi hyung." Jimin cheerfully says and gave Yoongi the cutest smile ever.

The black-haired male looked at Jimin shockedly and immediately shooked his head from left to right.

"N-no, you don't have to Jimin ah, it's okay! I will just tell the Bang PD tha-" Yoongi gone slightly panic, he did not expect Jimin to easily say yes.

"Hyung I'm completely fine with it, it's not like we're actually dating right?" Jimin giggles at his hyung reaction.

"Right...it's not like we are really dating, there's no need to make it so complicated." Yoongi thought, feeling a pang in his chest while the embarrassment crept inside him.

Bang PD then knocked twice on the door before entering the room and plopped himself down on the leather chair with a big grin.

"Have you decided yet?" Bang PD ask and looked at Yoongi who seems a little too stiff.

One True Pair | yoonmin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now