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"Well guess what? He slapped mine!" Jimin loudly cried out and just like that, the argument set off into a dead silence after the two bantering friends both feel cold hard stares that scream 'jealousy' being directed at them.

"Turn it off." Jungkook hissed with clenched jaws that are sharp as blades and once his orders were out to the world, Taehyung fumbled with his shaky fingers to turn off the recording camera.

"What was that senior name again?" Yoongi then sarcastically taunted with a raspily low voice as his jealous dark orbs pierced at the blonde who only kept his head low.

"Oh my god! senior Daniel!" Jungkook mocked his boyfriend's sudden cheerful voice.

"W-we can explain!" Both Taehyung and Jimin shouted in unison as they instantly flung their heads up to meet their lover's unimpressed faces and those cold unwelcoming eyes.

"Yeah, you got a lot of explaining to do in my bed." Jungkook shrieked out a breathy laugh while caressing down Taehyung's chin before a revengeful smirk settles on his thin lips. "Follow me."

"Yes, m-master." Having no choice, Taehyung replied submissively as he immediately stood up from the carpeted floor and follow behind his owner like a guilty puppy.

"Why don't we clear things up in my studio hmm?" Once the other couple has left the room, Yoongi suggested with a low chuckle as he traces his dominant hand over the side of the latter's face.

"What do I have to explain? we aren't even together." Mustering up all his courage, Jimin softly murmured while glaring into the elder's stern eyes and takes in the annoyed look on his face.

"Right, we aren't together because you still wanted to suck that senior's dick." Yoongi gritted as he let the thought itself irks him before dusting himself off the floor and Jimin does the same but with a smug smile plastered on his innocent face.

"So why can't I? Do you care now Yoongi hyung? You are jealous of Senior Daniel aren't you?" The confident dancer whispered gently as he closes the gap between them with smaller footsteps that could not harm anyone.

"I'm not!" Yoongi rasps in denial, he didn't like admitting how he wanted to throw that guy's name out of Jimin's little sweet mouth which become so daring that it's starting to get on his nerves.

"No? Not jealous at all?" Jimin giggles slightly and when the elder finally reached the dead end, he takes another step until their faces are only inches apart and until he could even feel Yoongi's hot breath brushing against his pink lips.

"Do you still keep in touch with him?" The cautious rapper decided to ask with mountains of anticipation inside his heavy chest.

"Maybe." Jimin smiled sweetly and Yoongi did not like the answer nor that teasing little stretch on the latter's pretty plump lips that he felt the urge to kiss but knows couldn't.

"I thought dressing you up in a cat onesie would make you realised who you belonged to." Yoongi growled possessively as he noticed how Jimin began doing whatever he pleased and carefully presses his paws against the elder's broad yet rising chest.

"Can you remind me hyung? Who do I belong to? Senior Daniel or you?" Jimin breathily whimpered as his full lips trembles open like a trap for Yoongi to fall weakly into.

"Don't play with me Park Jimin." Yoongi orders through his gritted teeth, knowing exactly what the younger male was doing as the plan was to obviously riled him up with his cute little tricks that couldn't hurt a fly.

"I'm not." Jimin denied in almost a whisper that does great damages to Yoongi's bouncing heart.

"I just love seeing you like this hyung." The blonde glanced down while lip-biting before taking a step back with an innocent smile plastered on his face.

One True Pair | yoonmin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now