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"C-can I-I cuddle y-you?" The frightened rapper stutters badly while biting shyly onto his bottom lips as he was unable to look at the love of his life in the eyes because of the terrible state he was in.

"Of course." Startled by his boyfriend's sudden request, Jimin's cheeks tinted a pretty shade of pink but he steps forward by holding onto his hyung's hand and lead the elder towards the bed after he has taken off the mini straw bag that he has been carrying around all week with the hope of that he could find the perfect moment for the gift inside.

Laying down beside each other's warm body, Yoongi wordlessly wrapped his arms around Jimin's smaller frame and slowly closed his eyes in relief at how safe it feels to be holding onto this yellow balloon that not only gives him happiness but comfort too. "I love you."

His stomach doing flip after flips as if it was the end of the world, Jimin smiled after hearing those sweetest words that Yoongi never failed to remind him of every day or even out of the blue and as always, Jimin will be there to return his 'I love you too hyung'.

*The Next Morning*

Rays of morning light peeking through the blinds once the sun has awakened and successfully landed on the blonde's asleep face, Jimin groaned softly but soon blinked his eyes open to start his day but what he did not expect was to see his boyfriend's attractive feline eyes already staring back at him. "Oh my! Hyung, you scared me."

"Sorry, it's just that you look so peaceful while sleeping." Yoongi grinned lazily and returned to lay down on his back with both of his hands supporting beneath his head.

"Hm okay, what time is it now?" Jimin questioned aloud after rubbing his eyes but once he heard the small 'no clue' from his now half-asleep boyfriend, he reached for his bag on the nightstand and unzipped it to pull out his phone to only begun groaning at how late they were for breakfast. 

"Baby, why are you carrying that bag around?" With a hoarse morning voice, Yoongi croaked out a question from his dry throat as he glances at the dancer who was slipping his phone back into the mini strawed bag.

"Oh right! I nearly forgot." Jimin's eyes widened in realisation and it did not take long for his neck to snapped towards where his hyung was and have that glint of excitement inside his eyes. "Yoonie, I got you a present. I hope you like it."

"A present?" Yoongi frowned a little while feeling agitated as Jimin continues scrabbling for something inside his bag.

"Found it!" Jimin victoriously cheered and handing his boyfriend a bottle of lube which instantly made the elder's heartbeat stopped for a few silent seconds before it started racing again as if it was on a high roller coaster.

"W-where d-did you get t-this?" Gulping heavily, Yoongi stumbled on his words as his throat felt dry out of a sudden and not to mention how blood began rushing down to private area but also his once colourless cheeks.

"You don't like it?" Jimin tilted his head slightly in confusion, he certainly wasn't expecting that reaction from his hyung. Normally, Yoongi would already be showering him with lots of kisses and thanking him all over the place as if it was a gift from God although all he gave the elder was just a handmade bracelet.

"No, it's not like that. It's just quite unexpecting for you to give me something like this." Yoongi blushed madly as he steals shy glances at the bottle of lube that was sitting snuggly inside his hand.

"I knew you would love it, use the lube hyung!" Jimin smiled angelically, he was glad nonetheless that his boyfriend loved the gift.

"Huh? U-use it?" Because of the situation he never asked to be put in, the blue-haired rapper's mind gone hazy, clouded by many thoughts to be exact but with all means, there was a shameless twitch of something magnificent underneath his black Calvin Klein boxer.

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