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3rd's POV

*1 Week Later*

One week of complete torture passes by slowly and every night, Jimin has been trying to stay awake in Yoongi's bed since it smells comforting like the elder but at the same time, he was waiting for his boyfriend to return so they could cuddle until he has fallen asleep inside the elder's warm embrace.

This was the least the couple could do for each other but fuck! They both just wanted things to go back to how they usually are.

Yoongi is always exhausted and stressed out from working all day and the tight deadline only pressures him more but what made him feels even guiltier is when he finally arrives back to the dorm and sees the latter lying awake on his bed, waiting for some affection.

But again when the morning approaches within a wink of sleep, Jimin would wake up to empty sheets beside him and feels the emptiness inside his little heart over again and again.

There was no doubt that everything has become meaningless without his boyfriend always being there to bicker the life out of him and never fails to kiss him breathless.

During the week, Yoongi goes to work early in the morning and Jimin will have to wait again until late at night so that he could get a glimpse of his boyfriend's fatigued face and this realisation would regularly remind the blonde of how weak he is for the elder's affection and the unimaginable stress his boyfriend is going through.

But Yoongi always comes back, no matter how late the night falls.

"Finally..." The blue-haired rapper who have dark circles underneath his eyes sighed in relief as he hurriedly unlocks the dorm's front door with the silver key, steps in once the knob twisted open and locks it back again before sprinting off towards his bedroom.

"Jiminie!-" Yoongi called out with excitement written all over his face to see his lovely boyfriend but almost instantly once his ears pick up the latter's small broken cries, his large gummy smile faltered as his heart shattered into million pieces.

Slowly, the concerned rapper approached Jimin who was covering his little frame with the yellow blanket that Yoongi had gifted him and carefully sneaks inside the fluffy warm duvet to lay beside his crying boyfriend. "Jimin ah..."

"H-hyung!" The elder's deep comforting voice snapping him out of his blue, Jimin desperately called out as he rushingly scrambled out of his safety, warm, yellow blanket to urgently pull his hyung into a tight embrace. "I can't do this a-anymore..."

"What's wrong Jimin ah?" Catching the latter by his slim waist and sneaking his hand up to gently pats the male's slender back, the frowning rapper asked after noticing how Jimin's sobs were getting louder by each dying second. "You can't do what anymore?"

"I-I know I'm being selfish but hyung...you are always at w-work and we don't spend time together anymore. I m-miss you, p-please just s-stay a little longer." Jimin muttered in between his sobs as he balls his fist onto the elder's white shirt and rests his head on Yoongi's broad shoulders while failing to keep his tears from falling.

"I'm sorry Jimin ah, I trying my hardest to finish the songs and come back but please baby, only one more week and it will all be over. Can you wait for me?" Yoongi holds the latter tighter by his thin waist as he breathes in a lung full of the male's vanilla scent that he has been yearning for all week.

"I don't know hyung...I miss our conversations, our eye contacts, your laughs and your smiles, your k-kisses-"

Before Jimin could finish the list that would of go on forever if they have all night, Yoongi's soft pair of lips smash onto his and instantly summoned all the blood up to his cheeks as he eagerly reciprocated the kiss.

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