chapter two

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y/n laid there, unconscious with a bloody nose and exhausted from using her powers to much.

"can't you drive faster?!" claire complained. "i'm trying!". hopper, claire and eleven were sitting in hoppers car, he drove full speed to the labor with the hope that they didn't do anything to y/n.

you slowly woke up by footsteps, you started panicking again until you heard someone shouting your name "here!" you shouted back. the door opened and hopper stood there he rushed to you and untied you "you alright kiddo?" "yes i'm fine" you said while wiping the blood on your nose away with your hands "let's get out of here" he said as he walked through the door, you followed him and on your way you met him.

"why are they taking so long?" mike asked the party "i don't know but i'm worried about her" max said "yeah me too" lucas and dustin said. will sat there without saying anything, you could see that he was tense. mike walked over to will and sat next to him "hey, she will come back, okay?" mike said trying to calm will down, will looked at him "what if when she's not coming back?!" he yelled at mike and stood up "will stop" lucas said "no! my girlfriend is out at the labor probably getting tortured right now and you all expect from me to be calm?!" he yelled again. "she's also our best friend we're worried too, the only thing we can do is to hope that she's fine!" lucas said and will sat down again trying to relax.

"where do you think you're going y/n?" he asked with a grin on his face. "out of here! what you're doing is illegal, you wanted to kill a 15 year old!" hopper yelled at him "it isn't illegal jim, i created her. i can to whatever i want with her" he said again, still grinning. suddenly he fell to ground and behind him eleven appeared. you rushed to her to give her a hug "what are you doing here?! i told you to stay in the car!" hopper said "but seven was in danger!" she said. "get in the car hurry before someone's coming" hopper said and you three started running out of there.

claire heard the car door open and saw her daughter y/n, she took her in a hug and cried "i thought you were gone" she said crying. she let go of you and you blacked out again. claire started panicking "jim! she's unconscious!" she yelled, "seven? seven wake up!" eleven tried to wake her up by shaking her "only 3 minutes!" hopper said.

the door opened and hopper carried a unconscious y/n in the house "is- is she-?" will started but claire cutted him of "no, no, no she isn't" claire said still crying. they did a circle around y/n, she woke up instantly after this and gasped. they all started hugging her "did you saw something?" hopper asked, you were shaking, in fact you saw something and you nodded "i saw him, he tried to kill me!" you yelled crying, mike and will started comforting you "hey hey hey, he's not here nothing can happen to you okay?" will said and hugged you.

the next day you woke up to a terrible headache and you realized that today's will and eleven's last day here. they currently had summer break, will and eleven came to visit them but had to go back. you stood up out of your bed, put your clothes on, brush your theeth and immediately went to your walkie-talkie. "hello? is somebody there? over." you said, waiting for an answer "i am, how do you feel? over." mike asked you "i'm fine, do you know if will and el already left?" you asked him, again waiting for an answer "they left yesterday night, you shouldn't come outside today, it's dangerous. over" mike said and turned of the walkie-talkie. when you had your consciousness back, your mom asked you a ton of questions and after that, she forced you to go home, for your own safety. you stood up and went downstairs looking for her "mom?" you asked "kitchen!" she answered. "how do you feel y/n?" she asked me "i'm good" "are you sure?" "yes i am, what's for breakfast?" "pancakes, they're already done you can sit down on the table". you lived in a huge house in hawkins, with your mom. you ate your pancakes and went upstairs again going to your walkie-talkie, before you could say anything dustin already spoke "seven? are you there?" he asked you "yes i am here" you answered waiting for what he would say next "okay max is going to get you now and we're going to the arcade" he said "what? no! my mom won't let me go" you said a little with annoyance "but you're fine, aren't you?" "yes bu-" then go and ask her if you can" dustin cut you off. you turned your walkie-talkie of and went down stairs again. "hey uhm- mom?" you asked her "yes sweetie?" "is it okay if i uhm- go to the arcade?" you asked innocent "what? no you can't it's still dangerous!" "but max is going to pick me up!" "no y/n, max is also just a kid" "can you drive me then?" "who will be there?" your mom asked curious "dustin and max, he didn't told me who's coming." "fine i'll drive you, but you have to call me immediately if something's wrong" "i will" you said and went up stairs going to your walkie-talkie "dustin? my mom said i can!" you said "okay cool! we're at the arcade in 10 minutes over." he said and you turned it off again.

"i'll be here in 2 hours." your mom said to you when you were about to get out the car. you nodded and said bye to her before you went in the arcade, everything was normal when you came in. you looked for your friend group and found them, mike's look was immediately on you "why are you here? it's dangerous! you can't be outside!" he said while the others welcomed you "mike stop, her mom let her go." dustin said "didn't you see what happened yesterday?" "okay mike calm down i'm fine okay?" you said and went to max to give her a hug and she welcomed you.

you started playing at the gaming machine and the whole time you felt a glance on you but you ignored it, suddenly mike came to you and tapped your shoulder "y/n?" "hmm?" you answered but just payed attention on the game "can we talk for a bit?" mike asked and you stopped everything, you looked at him and end the game "sure" you said and you both went out of the arcade. "okay listen, i know it sounds ridiculous b-but i think the demogorgan is back" you freezed, you couldn't move, you stared at him in disbelief even through you believed him "w-what?" you said nervous "this can't be true" you said while your eyes start tearing up. mike hugged you and you wiped your eyes, you both stopped hugging and the others came out of the arcade looking for you both. "what are you two doing?" lucas asked and the three came to you on "the demogorgan" "what?" dustin asked "the demogorgan is back" mike finished your sentence and the three looked at you  "but i thought-" max said "how do you know?" lucas asked you two "he went in my mind" mike said and you four looked at him. "we need to get eleven and will" you said "no we don't, you're stronger than eleven did you forget that?" lucas said "no" mike said "what?" "yea y/n is stronger than el but yesterday she used her powers to much! she could die!" mike said angrily at lucas "okay i have an idea" dustin said "we're waiting till the demogorgan shows itself again and then we'll do something" he added to his sentence "what do you mean?" max said "i mean that we'll wait till anything happens again" dustin answered. you looked worried at mike and mike nodded "fine".

you sat with your mom in her car on the way home, you decided not to tell claire anything about what mike told you.

when you arrived at home you immediately went to your room and changed into pajamas. you lay in bed while staring at the ceiling, you didn't know how you could go to school tomorrow knowing that the demogorgan is still out there. your mind was everywhere, thinking about mike, will and eleven. maybe you should tell them about what mike told you,  shouldn't you?


please tell me if there are any mistakes !! thanks for reading <3
1505 words

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