chapter twelve

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it's been  a few weeks since the incident and almost everything was back to normal... okay no that was a lie everything stayed the same but something changed, you now  lived with max and her mom and you and will broke up. you probably wonder why and i'll tell you why. you realized that if his bestfriend has feelings for you, you can't stay with will and you told him, you and will dated for 2 years but nothing's forever, right?

"can you give me that?" max asked you and you nodded, you gave her the tape and she started to fix her skateboard again "i'll meet with lucas in a few minutes" she added "oh that's nice" "you should tell mike about your feelings" "what? which feelings?" "stop lying y/n it's obvious that you also like him" she said and patted your shoulder, you just shook your head and lay on the bed again "i'm leaving now, bye" she said and hugged you. you had no idea what you should do now so you grabbed your walker-talkie and changed it to mike's channel.

"hey" you said "hey, how are you?" he asked "i'm fine and you?" "me too, listen we have to talk" "yes we do, meet me at my house in 10 minutes" you said and turned your walkie-talkie off. nobody was looking for you anymore, you were free the only thing that makes you sad is that your parents are dead, but everybody else is around you and you're greatful for it, will and you stayed friends at first it was weird but that changed quickly.

you told max's mom that you were leaving and she was fine with it so you took your skateboard and skated to your old house, it hurts to get back there but you still do it because of the memories, you saw mike and got off your board, you two sat at the lake which was a few minutes away from your house.

"i don't know what we should talk about" you said "yeah, me too" he admitted and kept looking at the lake "can i be honest with you?" you asked and he nodded "i think i like you too" you said and played with he grass which was next to you "are you joking?" he looked at you and you shook your head, he immediately took your face in his hands and connected his lips with yours, it was a kiss you've never had with anyone, there was so much love and passion in just one kiss and of course you kissed him back. you stayed like this for a few seconds and then you two pulled away, you looked at his eyes for a few second before the started talking "do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked you, you smiled and nodded.

you and mike sat there for two hours now, talking about life and everything "you know, we've been through so much shit and somehow we're still alive" he said "do you remember this one time when the demogorgan almost killed you?!" he added and you laughed and nodded. things like this always happend when mike was around you "or do you remember this one time in 6th grade when i spilled orange juice all over mindy?" you asked and you two bursts out of laughing. mindy was a popular girl in middle school but someday mike spilled orange juice over her while you stood next to him. "do you have a favorite memory?" you asked him and he nodded "one time in 5th grade we had our dance and you were the first one who asked me to go on it" he said and smiled at you, "stop" you said and laughed "is somebody blushing?" he mocked and tried to pull your hands out off your face, eventually he did it and looked at you with pure adoration.

you sat there with mike for the rest of the day and talked about so much and something came into your mind 'why didn't i already confessed my feelings for him in 5th grade' in 5th grade you had a major crush on him but you were to shy to talk about it, and when you found out that he was dating el you didn't wanted to make her sad so you just kept it for yourself. right now in this moment everybody's save, the byers are in derry, max and lucas are together at the starcourt mall, dustin and suzie are happy together, hopper is safe, will is happy that you and mike are happy and so is eleven, your parents are your guardian angels who are watching and protecting you from the bad and so are erik and harry, you and mike are happier than ever that you've found each other.

"i love you" mike said and you looked at him, you two were still at the lake "i love you too" and he kissed you again.

what can i say? you and mike found each other and everybody's happy and you were the glue for their happiness.

the end.

chile anyways so...
mike and y/n are happy
that's what we all wanted right?
i thank everyone who read the book
and i hope you have an amazing day !

- love you so much <3

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