chapter four

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"okay but how could this happen?" lucas asked, all five of them shrugged "maybe you get more abilities, the older you get" mike said and they all looked at him "yes maybe" dustin said. "i don't know, it's unlikely" you said and they all looked at you again "can you do it again?" max asked you and you shrugged "i think i have to be scared to do it" you said "at least we have somebody to protect us from the demo-dogs, right?" lucas asked "yeah maybe" you said.

the next day in school was weird, everyone stared at you and the rest of the party. "why is everyone staring?" you asked the others, but none of them knew why "do we look like animals? stop fucking staring!" max yelled and looked around, they stopped staring immediately.

"do you think anyone saw the demo-dog yesterday?" you asked dustin after you two had science together "i don't know but hopefully not" "did will told you anything?" he added "what?" "oh he and eleven are coming back again for a few months" he said.

"they're coming back?" mike asked as you and dustin told it the party "yes they are!" you said with the biggest smile on your face. "do you know when?" lucas asked "tomorrow" dustin said. you and max started hugging and jumping around and the others giggled, you and max actually weren't so "girly" like el but she somehow managed that you two sometimes show your "girly"-side.

"sweetheart, joyce called me today-" claire started but you cutted her off by finishing her sentence "will and el are coming back for a few months" you said smiling and your mom smiled back. "is it okay if i stay at max's tomorrow?" you asked while eating dinner "i don't know if that's a good idea" she said "can you at least think about it?" you asked with puppy dog eyes and she nodded. you helped your mom cleaning the table and then you two watched a movie. claire is your mom and your best friend, she always treated you like a normal child and since your dad died you two were closer than ever, your mom and eleven are your only family members. you don't know the rest of your family and to be honest you don't want to know them.

the next morning you woke up you felt weird, no one was home when you woke up and on the streets there was also no one. you grabbed your walkie-talkie "hello? is anyone there?!" you asked, no answer "hello?!" you said again, and again no answer. now you started to panic, you left your house and went to max's. you knocked but no one answered it, the next house you went to was mike's, you knocked and again no one opened. you started to go insane.

claire tried to wake you up, she shook you and yelled your name for 30 minutes. in your room were will, el, joyce, claire and mike, they all tried to wake you up but you just laid there unconscious.

you were in a parallel universe but you didn't knew it, you searched for people but you couldn't find anyone, it was completely empty.

"what is happening to her?!" mike asked, shaking your body "i don't know! we have to call hopper!" joyce said. eleven tried to use her powers on you but nothing happend. suddenly you started shaking and you woke up, spitting blood. you started crying and el immediately hugged you "everything's okay you're save" she whispered and you nodded, still crying.

"what happend?" hopper asked you when he arrived and you told him what you saw. "there was nothing?" will asked and you nodded "maybe you were in a-" hopper started but mike cutted him off "parallel universe" "yeah, a parallel universe". "but how?" you asked, eleven and your mom held your hand the whole time, hopper shrugged at first but then he asked you a question. "when jeffrey kidnapped you, did he gave you anything?" you stared at the wall and then at him, everyone in the room had a worried look in their faces. you nodded slowly and hopper inhaled "i think that's the reason why you were in the parallel universe".

4th chapter !! i hope everyone
has an amazing day, stay save
and thanks for reading <3

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