chapter six

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you woke up and this time you didn't get into the parallel universe, everything was normal except for the fact that demo-dogs are in hawkins. you went downstairs to eat breakfast but your mom wasn't the only one downstairs, hopper was also there, you hid behind the stairs and tried to listen to their conversation. "demo-dogs?" your mom asked shocked "but i thought they were dead?!" "we too but... they somehow are here again" "what are we gonna do now?" "we have to make sure that the kids are save so dont  tell v to come outside, i'll go to the others and tell them this. but don't tell anyone about the demo-dogs not even v, okay?" hopper said and your mom nodded.

you came out and went downstairs "hey sweetie, hopper was here he said we shouldn't go outside" she said with a smile so that i wouldn't worry. "did he said why?" you asked "no he didn't" she said "come let's eat breakfast" she added.

after breakfast you immediately spoke to the party on your walkie-talkie "guys!" you whisper-yelled "what's up y/n/n" dustin said "hopper was here and told my mom about the demo-dogs!" you said again "hopper also was at my house" lucas said "mine too" dustin said "don't tell anyone that we know about the demo-dogs okay?" you said and the others thought about it a bit "hello?!" you said again "fine we won't". you switched the channel to your and max private one "max?" you asked and waited for an answer "yeah?" she replied "hey uhm was hopper already at your house?" you asked "yes he was and my mom told me to stay inside but i really don't give a shit, i'll sneak out, you in?" max asked you and thought about it. you never sneak out but something in you said yoz should and you agreed with max "i'll be there at 11pm leave your window open" she said and then turned her walkie-talkie off.

you took a bag and put your walkie-talkie in it and water because you never know. you heard a tap on your window and opened it, you saw max, lucas and dustin "we are rebellious today, aren't we?" lucas said "shut up"
you replied while climbing out your window. "okay i've got a bat so if we see a demo-dog it-" dustin started but lucas cut him off "dude we have a girl here who has telekinesis and can let a demo-dog fucking explode" "oh yeah right" dustin said.

"where are we going?" you asked and max replied "a old parking lot". when you four arrived you already knew that there were demo-dogs, but you somehow didn't care "guys look!" dustin said to a slime trail "eww" max said and you looked closer to it "we should leave" you said "why? are the demo-dogs here?" lucas asked "no but i have a weird feeling" "v everything's fine here aren't any demo-dogs" and after he said this a demo-dog came from behind, i held my hand to the demo-dogs and it explode. they all looked at you with wide eyes while you just said "what?" "you're so fucking cool seven!" dustin said "thanks" you smiled "but we should go now" you added and your smile disappeared "fine let's go, i don't want to die now".

you arrived at home and hoped that your mom didn't notice that you snuck out and in fact she didn't.

the next morning your mom watched the news while you made yourself some tea and you listened to it. "this morning a couple found a slime trail and a spot where something exploded, we don't know what it was but we will keep-" your mom switched the tv to a show and you took a place next to her. "seven?" "hmm?" "were you outside yesterday?" you didn't know if you should lie or say the truth but you decided to lie "no" you said quickly so you could drink your tea.

you went upstairs and heard that mike was talking in the walkie-talkie "seven!" he said "what?" "why were you outside yesterday, hopper told everyone to stay inside!" "i wasn't outside!" you said "then why did lucas told me you, dustin, max and him snuck out yesterday?" why does lucas always tell everyone everything? "so? what's the problem?" you said "the problem? there are fucking demo-dogs here and it's dangerous!" "calm down nothing happend" you said "oh so you didn't let a demo-dog explode yesterday?" the news. you exhaled "why did you go outside, even though hopper said we shouldn't? "i don't know okay?" you turned your walkie-talkie off and after this dustin was in the channel. "seven?" he asked and you replied "yeah?" "mike likes you" "i know" "no listen i mean like like you know?" he said.


heheheheh oops

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