chapter nine

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"okay i'm going to bed now, good night" you said and hugged your mom, you went into your, mike's and will's room and immediately went to bed.

"it's already 11pm, are you sure you're not tired?" claire asked joyce and she nodded, "a little bit but you go-" she started but claire cut her off "no no, it's fine go to bed" claire said with a smile and joyce went to bed. claire was now the only one downstairs but she heard footsteps, she thought that this were footsteps of a demo-dog, she grabbed a bat with nails and went outside.

"AHHH!" you screamed when you saw your mom's dead body, you held her body close to you and held her face in your hands "wake up, wake up, wake up!" you cried. joyce and mike heard your scream and immediately went outside to see you and your mom's body covered in blood, you looked behind you to see the two of them with a shocked expression "wake her up!" you screamed, still crying. they rushed to you, mike took you away from her body and pulled you inside so you couldn't see her anymore and joyce stayed outside and called hopper.

"let me go!" you screamed and cried into mike's chest and tried to push him away so you could see her but it didn't worked. meanwhile the others also were downstairs and hopper was outside, you still hugged mike and hesitate to let him go, he and joyce saw the dead body and you were to shocked to let him go. "she's dead" you whispered into mike's chest so just mike could hear it "i'm so sorry y/n" he said and hugged you tighter, el and will sat on the couch and watched both of you, they knew they couldn't do anything so they just stayed quiet.

"she got shot?" hopper asked joyce and she nodded, she also cried, claire was always there for joyce and it was hard to believe that she is also dead "but who wou-" joyce started but hopper cutted her off "jeffrey's employee's" he said "they know where seven is, we have to leave!" he said. they both stood up and left claire's body there, they couldn't do anything, she got shot at night and y/n found her in the morning, she was dead.

"we have to leave immediately!" hopper said, "no we can't!" you cried "seven, listen, i know it's hard to take but they know where you are, we can't take the risk and and stay here" he said and took your shoulders so you could face him "i don't care! they can kill me!" you screamed and the expression of everyone in the room changed. "you're coming with us, we can't and won't lose you!" joyce now said to you, you nodded and finally stopped crying "but what about-" you started "we can't to anything, she's dead" hopper whispered the last part, you just nodded slowly and tried not to cry again, "hey everything is going to be okay you're with us, i promise" mike whispered to you and hugged you again.

you, joyce, el, will, mike and hopper sat in a car and drove to the small house where el and hopper used to live. the whole car ride no one said anything it was a comfortable silence but you felt that something is wrong.

"we have to stay here for a while until they give up looking for you" hopper said and entered the house, the four of you went in eleven's old room and joyce stayed with hopper. in el's room you realized that you've lost your family, first your dad, then your mom, both of them got shot because of the same reason. they thought it was you, in your head it was your fault that they died and it was. after a while you calmed down again and just sat there, emotionless, you wouldn't let anyone near you except for mike and joyce not even eleven, and then you started thinking about eleven and mike, was everything fine between them? do they hate each other? you needed answers so you broke the silence "el" you said and she turned to you immediately "yes?" "is everything fine between you and mike?" you asked still emotionless, el sat next to you and put her head on your shoulder "yes everything's fine" she smiled and you nodded. you didn't knew what would happen next, would you die? would el die? would they find you? so many open questions that can not be answered.

will and el left the room to give you space since mike and joyce are the only one you're talking to. mike sat next to you and your head on his shoulder, "mike" "hmm?" "dustin told me something" you said "what did he tell you?" he asked and looked at you "that you like me" "of course i do, you're my best friend" "no i mean that you like me like eleven" you said, he still looked at you but you didn't looked up, you were too tired. "do you?" you asked "yeah" he said.

i'm so sorry that she
died but
i didn't know
who else i should've killed

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