chapter five

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you sat there without saying anything, you didn't know what to say. "did he gave you a syringe?" hopper asked and you nodded "can we get the liquid out?" claire asked and hopper shrugged "i don't know but we have to try it" you looked at him and asked "how?" "i'll go to the lab and get some things, and you all have to stay here! alright?" hopper said and you all nodded.

hopper left and you sat on the couch with will and the others, will had his arms around you and your head laid on his shoulder. you started to read will's mind and your left nostril starts to bleed, mike notices it and looks at you and will, you wiped your nose and looked back at your mom who was walking around waiting for hopper to come back. "v" el said, you turned to her and gives her a quiet "hmm?" "give me your hand" you stood up and gave her your hand, you two immediately get unconscious and fall to the ground.

you woke up again and no one was here except for el. "el where are we?" you asked her and she looked at you "the parallel universe". you looked around and everything was normal except for the fact that there wasn't a person. "v, take my hand again" she said and you did it again.

you and el woke up in the normal universe while the others looked at you shocked "what the hell?!" mike said and helped you and eleven stand up. "el what just happend?" you asked her while you sat with your mom, will, joyce and your mom on the diner table "we were in the parallel universe" el said quickly "i used my powers to get there" she added "are you both sure you weren't in the upside down?" joyce asked and you two said no.

a few minutes later hopper arrived with a syringe and two bottles. "seven, you have to drink this so you get unconscious, and then i'll
give you this syringe and if you wake up 30 second later it worked, understood?" hopper said and you nodded, you lay down in the couch and waited until you got unconscious, not even one minute later everything around you went black.

hopper gave you the syring and everyone waited for you to woke up, hopper had a stopwatch you see if it were exact 30 seconds. 27...28...29...30 when the stopwatch hit 30 you woke up and gasped for air, hopper looked at you surprised and so did the others. to see if you were really free from it, el used her powers again and this time nothing happend you stayed in the normal universe.

you stayed the night with the byers and then went to school with max. when you arrived with max and the party nobody was there and police officers were in front of the building, "what the fuck?" dustin said. "what happend?" max asked the police officers "it's none of your business, your parents got mail that the school is cancelled , go back home" he said. you didn't hesitate and start reading his mind, mike's eyes widened when he saw that you were reading his mind and your left nostril started to bleed "oh no" mike said.

you were in mike's basement with the party "v, what did the cop thought about?" lucas asked you "the demo-dogs" you said, "demo-dogs?" will said and you forgot to tell will and el about what's currently going on so you did. "you made a demo-dog explode?" el asked you and you nodded "how?" she asked after you nodded and you just shrugged. you couldn't explain it "maybe you had this ability because of the syringe" will said "syringe?" max asked and you had to explain this whole parallel universe thing that you had "wow" max, dustin and lucas said. "but it could be that i really had this ability because of the syringe" you said "but what if not?" mike said "what?" "what if you had this ability all the time but didn't knew it?" he said "that's impossible" "but what if?".

your mom picked you up and you thought about mike's words the whole drive. "what if you had this ability all the time but didn't knew it?". "are you okay sweetie?" your mom asked you "what? oh uh yes i'm fine mom" you answered quickly but claire didn't believed your answer "are you sure?" " mom" you said, you wanted to tell her about the ability you got and so you did, but you didn't told her anything about the demo-dogs you don't want her to be too protective.


so i've been thinking about if
i should make a IT x fem reader
story after this story
so please tell me if you want
one or not <3
thanks for reading !

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