chapter ten

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"no, no, no, no, no!" hopper yelled when he couldn't find you, all five of them were looking for you. but you weren't in the house "where the fuck is she?!" joyce yelled and called your name again "what if-" mike started and all five of them froze "i think they found her" will  finished mike's sentence "but how did they come in?" hopper asked frustrated and they shrugged. "el can you use your powers to find her?" joyce eventually asked el "i don't know but we have to try". she sat down on the ground and took a scarf to blindfold herself, she took a shirt from you and started using her powers.

she saw you, in a van, unconscious. you were laying on the ground and someone was driving, she didn't know who it was and his clothing was weird, it doesn't fit to the 80s.

"and where is she?" mike asked el and she sighed "she's in a van and somebody's driving, i don't know who he is but his clothing is weird" "what do you mean with weird?" will asked "it doesn't fit" "can you draw it?" hopper asked an she nodded. "okay that's weird" hopper said when he saw her drawing, the man was wearing a light blue mom jeans and a black nike hoodie "he looks weird" mike said when he saw it. "and you're sure you don't know where she is?" joyce asked and el shook her head.

you woke up when you heard footsteps, someone opened the door and you shoot up "oh look who's awake" the man said.

y/n's POV ( :P )

where am i? and who are those people... okay i got kidnapped, again. "where am i?" i asked him "come inside and i'll tell you why you're here" he said and i tried to read his mind, but nothing happend my nose didn't even bleed.

"okay sit down and listen carefully" he said and i just nodded. "it'll sound ridiculous but it's the truth, i think you're wondering what i'm wearing, right?" he asked and i nodded again "this is what we call fashion in 2020-" "hold up what? 2020? that's in 36 years!" i said, cutting him off "listen!" he yelled at me  "i don't care if you believe me or not but i'm from the future, there's a girl in this time who is probably your reincarnation" he stopped talking again to look at me "that means you're going to die in the next 20 years because this girl is currently 16 years old, i'm here to warn you" he stopped again "you probably know who jeffrey is right?" he asked me and i nodded. "his son is a scientist who send me to you to warn you, he isn't like his father he's trying to save you. so now you have to listen, in 20 years when it's 2004 and you're not dead your reincarnation is going to die, and if that happens-" he stopped for the third time to think about it. "is that happens i'll
come again, i'll get your coordinates from jeffrey's son and i'll get you in the parallel universe where i live" he finished his sentence and looked at me, waiting for an answer "i- i was in a parallel universe a few days ago do you think-" "you were in our universe, you thought that nobody was there, right? but you just imagined that. the streets were full of people staring at you and jeffrey's son, erik saw you that day. he knew you and wanted to save you from that day on" " i know it sound ridiculous but-" "i believe you" i said "there's a problem, i have to delete your memories, but there's one thing that you have to know before i do this" you nodded "if you ever get into the parallel universe, try to get as fast as you can out of it. because if you don't, you could probably kill everyone in this universe."

3rd person pov

"where the hell is she?" mike yelled again, you were still gone and nobody knew where you were, they didn't looked in el's room again but they should've. the man brought you back to el's room and then left, you were unconscious and had no memory of what happend the last hours. "we'll never find-" will started and opened the bedroom door, you were there but unconscious "she's here!" will yelled and everyone stormed into the room "hey, hey, hey wake up" joyce said and shook you, but you didn't wake up. "let me do this" hopper said and joyce moved, he placed a syringe on your neck and pressed it down, not even a minute later you woke up gasping for air "what did just happend?" you said, still gasping for air "where the hell were you?! we looked for you the whole day!" mike said "what do you mean i just woke up!" you said "no you didn't, you weren't here the whole day!" will now said. "but i just woke up" you murmured "do you even now what just happend in the last hours?" joyce asked you and you shook your head. you had absolutely no memory about this day, the only think you knew is that you just woke up "think again v what happend?" hopper now said and you concentrate to get your memory back, but nothing happend "i can't! i can't remember anything!" you yelled desperately "i know it's hard but you have to try it!" hopper said back and you tried again, and again, and again, but nothing came, you've lost your whole memory about this day.

the day come to an end but you couldn't sleep, you didn't know why everyone wanted to know where you've been, but you don't have any memory, the only thing you know is that you woke up in the room and that's it.

you woke up when somebody tapped your shoulder, you opened your eyes and almost screamed but you fell asleep immediately after this. "be quiet if she wakes up we're dead" he said, "shut up stuart!" the other man yelled and they carried you outside in a white van. jeffrey's employee's got you.

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