chapter eight

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your mom and you still stayed at the byers house with mike, it didn't bother you that mike was there because will and mike knew each other since kindergarten. the next day you woke up you saw el in the room sitting on the bed and waiting for you to wake up "hey" you said in your raspy voice "hey, did you sleep well?" el asked you and you nodded "breakfast is done!" joyce yelled from downstairs and you and el went down to the table.

"hawkins lab, open the door!" someone yelled from outside and knocked on the door, "quick hide, hide!" hopper whispered to you and claire. he dragged you behind the house in the small garden shed, locked the door and went inside.

"good morning, we're from hawkins lab, we're looking for a girl" he said and hold up a picture of you. joyce acted like she didn't know who it was and let them inside "so you don't have any idea who this girl is?" "no, never saw her here in hawkins, maybe she moved away i don't know" joyce said and they nodded "we would like to look upstairs if that's fine with you" they asked and joyce nodded again. they went upstairs and checked every room but couldn't find you. "thank you for your cooperation, we're sorry for wasting your time" they apologized "oh no that's fine" she said and they left.

will went outside to open the door of the garden shed to let you and claire out. "what did they asked you?" you asked joyce "they showed me a picture of you but it was a really old one, so if i didn't know they were looking for you i wouldn't know it was you on the picture" "i'm sorry for all the stress you have because we're here" you said silently. joyce sat next to you and swung her arm around your shoulders "that's fine sweetie, you and your mom were also there for me and will" she said and you smiled. it was true, when will was in the upside down you, your mom and mike were always there for joyce and cheered her up and now they do the same for you and claire.

you still had dustin's words in your head, mike actually likes you. but it wasn't right and you knew it, first of all you love will and second eleven is your sister, you couldn't to this to her. you needed someone to talk about it so you eventually decided to tell it eleven, you were scared, scared that she would hate you but you still did.

"hey el, can i come in?" you asked when you knocked on her room door "yeah sure, what's up?" she asked and you set next to her, you sighed, you didn't know how to tell her "so uhm, there's a thing" "mike likes me" you added and looked scared at eleven, her facial expression changed into a smile? you didn't knew why she smiled "do you like him back?" she asked you, still smiling "i don't k-" "do you like him back?" you shrugged. "it's fine if you like him, mike and i aren't together anymore" she said "what?"

you sat at the dinner table, eating peacefully, but little do you know someone's spying on you and is on their way to murder someone in this house, who will it be? you? eleven? will? or even joyce? you don't know and you won't know until tomorrow morning.

i'm so sorry FOR THE END
jk that not the end my luvs >:)
just wait..
i'll probably will write another chapter
now but idk when i'll post it :3

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