I found you then i lost you

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(Hello my loves I hope you guys are ready for this chapter it kinda hard but I hop that you guys enjoy this chapter!!!👾🖤💜)
(Bakugos POV)
I was in a comfortable sleep until I began to hear my alarm go off. I slowly made my way out of the bed and stood up, I made my way to my bathroom and did my daily routine. After I was finished I got dressed put my books in my bag and then when to my nightstand and went to go put on my scent blockers, but when I went to my nightstand the bottle was empty. I rushed and made my was to the bathroom cabinet to see if I had and extra bottle but there wasn't any, I started to panic thinking that people in school would began to smell my scent but then I remembered that Todoroki would be there and that he's always there when I need to calm down. I was about to leave my room when I felt my neck and felt that I didn't have my necklace on, I made my way to my nightstand grabbed and but it on in the mirror. Once I was done I looked at the necklace and smiled and made my way downstairs, there wasn't enough time to eat breakfast so I grabbed a banana off the table and made my way out the door. When I was walking I was hoping that I saw Todoroki but I didn't see him so I figured that he just went to school early, when I arrived at the school gates there was only 8 minutes left until class so I hurriedly made my way to class. When I arrived to class I sat down in my seat but when I looked around in the classroom I still didn't see Todoroki and started to panic and just decided that he was going to be late, Todoroki was sitting down waiting for class to began until he heard people whisper and talk. I couldn't hear and until I hear one comment, "Didn't you hear that Todoroki and his whole household left." My heart skipped a beat at that comment, the comment couldn't be true. I didn't want it to be true, I was lost in my thoughts until I was knocked out of them by the teacher walking in. I was silent the most of the class I was hurt would he really leave me like this after he told me he cared for me would he just pick up and go, I started to release stress pheromones and I raised my hand and asked if I could leave. Mr. Aizawa gave me a look of sympathy and told me that I was excused, I was walking the hallway trying to calm down and trying to think of a reason why he didn't come to school today. As I was walking I bumped into somebody, I apologized and was about to continue when I was suddenly grabbed by my wrist and pulled by my wrist. I let out a whimper and looked up to see the same purple hair guy from the last time, he then began to speak, "Hey Princess i didn't think that I would see you wondering without your little boyfriend." He then put his hands on my waist and pulled my closer to him, "There's a little rumor going around I heard that half and half left, him and his whole family." When he said that I wanted to just break down and cry I didn't want to believe him. He went down to my earlobe and licked it, "Since he left such a beautiful princess alone I guess I'll just have to make you mine." He then kneed my in my crotch and I let out a breathy moan that I couldn't control, I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. I started to release stress pheromones but he just whispered in my ear, "Calm down baby boy I won't hurt you just going to give you a little pleasure." He then picked me up and began carrying me to the boys locker room I tried kicking his back and wiggling but he wouldn't let me go, when we got to the locker room he set me down and just as he did that I headed for the door until I was pulled back and he began to talk again, "Ah, ah, ah..... now baby no running, I just want to make you feel good." He then started to kiss my neck, I kept trying to push him off but he didn't move. He kept kissing down my neck until he hit a spot on my scent gland that made me let out a moan, I could feel him smirk into my neck as he began to abuse that spot. I couldn't help but moan, he then began to lick my neck and moved his hand lower and started to unbuckle my pants, I tried to grab his hand but he took my hands and pinned it up with his one hand and continued to unbuckle my pants. He then began to palm me through my boxers, I couldn't help but moan and whimper. He slipped his hand into my boxer, "St-stop ah~ I-I do-don't want this, P-please stop." He just continued he began to stroke my member and play with the slit and released a loud moan, "Mmm, you like that baby boy." I didn't answer and just continued to try and contain my moans, when I didn't answer he seemed to angry and began To go fast and at that point I was leaking pre cum, he began to pump up and down faster and rub the slit faster. I knew that I want going to be able to hold it any longer, "I c-can't a-anymore p-please I-I'm going to c-cum." I looked up at him with tearful eyes and all he did was look down at me and smirk, "Mmm... that's right baby boy you can cum, cum for me." He then began to go faster, i let out loud moans and mewls. I really couldn't hold it anymore, "Ahhh~ st-stop I'm g-going to c-cum, c-cummming ahhh~."  With that came on his hand and was a panting mess."

(Hello my loves this chapter was hard to write I felt bad for doing this to my poor Baku baby, i hope you guys liked this chapter see you in the next one loves!!!👾🖤💜) (1101 words)

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