Chapter 5

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You woke up to a strange surrounding. You didn't feel comfortable. You felt. Uneasy. You jolted up in the bed and saw the guy with the Mohawk look over at you. He was sat on a chair in the corner. Ash. Well, you didn't really know where he was.

The guy with the Mohawk approached you and was holding a first aid kit in his hand. He went over and was about to look at your wounds, but you slapped his hand away. At this point, Ash emerged and saw what had happened. You thought he probably remembered how he saw you at the warehouse. You sat there, shaking. You didn't mean to do anything. You were just in shock.

Ash had sent the guy with the purple Mohawk - you found out his name was Shorter - out of the room. Ash probably realised why you were in such shock. He went over to you. And hugged you. You weren't expecting it. To be honest, you didn't really understand why he was doing this. I mean, he barely knew you.

"Calm down. You're safe. I know you probably don't trust me, but I won't hurt you. I promise. Now let me see your wounds." He said, trying to calm you.

"I'm fine. Honestly. I don't need any help. I've gone this far on my own." You said with yet another fake smile.

"You're not fine. I know you're lying. I saw you at the warehouse." He stopped, seeing you tense up.

"Look. Let me just see. I can see you're hurt." He added.

"Wait where's the guy that was with us?" You said trying to change the topic.

"I think he's at the hospital." He paused, seeing you try to get out of the bed.

"What good will it be if you go? Especially in this condition. The police may not know who you are, but they could tie him to you." He said, trying to stop you.

"Yeah you're right." You said.

"But that doesn't mean I'm just gonna sit here. I have to do something." You added.

"You saved his life. My life. Surely that's enough. Now let me see your wounds." He said.

"Nope." You pause. "Hey. Can I have some food. I'm hungry." You add, pouting.

"Erm. Lemme ask Shorter to get some Chinese. Is Chinese ok?" He said.

"I guess. I don't mind. I just want food." You add.

Time Skip:
After some time of sleeping, you then realised Ash had gone out. You weren't quite sure till you woke up and saw Eiji sat in the corner. Since he could tell you were injured and could tell Eiji was the one that dressed your wound in the first place. So, he tried to convince Eiji to convince you to let either of them look at your injuries.

"Oh she's awake." Ash said as he opened the door carrying Chinese.

"Food!" You shout like a little child.

"Wow. You really must be hungry, huh?" Eiji said.

"Yup. I hadn't eaten in a while. And when I'm stressed, I tend to get hungry." You say, looking down. Trying to hide what you really meant.

"Let me see your wounds after you've eaten." Eiji said, shocking Ash in the process.

"Hmm. Nope. I told you I'm fine." You said, shifting your position in the bed, hiding the pain you were in.

"You're clearly in pain, stop hiding it." Ash said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hmm. Ash has a point. I mean you were shot." Eiji added.

"Wha..." You paused. "So?! It was only a graze. That's all. It's not like I have anything else to hide." You say.

"Ok. You're hiding something." Ash said.

"Yup." Eiji added.

"Ok. Ok. Fine. Maybe I have 2 broken ribs as well. But it's not like you could do anything to fix that." You shrugged.

"True. But I know that's not all. Come on. You may not trust me. But you can trust me." He said, smiling.

"Urgh. I swear, you are really good at manipulating people." You sighed in frustration.

"Nope." He said, going over to look at your injuries.

When he saw the full extent, you could tell he seemed shocked. I mean, you hid the true story. You didn't tell him the truth. It hurt you too much. You didn't want to drag him into your hell of a past. So you didn't mention it and put on a brave face. Something you were too used to doing. Something you shouldn't have to do.

A past to forget, a future to remember - Ash Lynx x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now