Chapter 8

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Ash left the two of you together and went to go and find you some more edible food. You sat there for a while, before getting up to go and shower. Eiji wasn't really sure where you were going so you just told him you were going to shower. You left the room and went to bathe. You didn't want to leave the shower. The warm water hitting your skin was nice. You forgot about everything. As you were showering, you saw the blood from your wound drip down.

"Shit I forgot about that!" You cursed out loud.

"Everything ok in there?" Eiji enquired, standing outside the door.

"Yeah. My wound started bleeding again. I'll be fine." You shout out.

"Ok. I'll dress it when you're ready." Eiji said walking away.

You finished showering and slipped on the clothes that you had managed to grab. Of course, you weren't gonna wear the same clothes. You were waiting for Ash to get back so you could go to your apartment and grab some more. "A promise is a promise. I said I would stay if his plan worked. But I still need to get some clothes." You said to yourself.

Once you were done, you left the bathroom and headed over to Eiji who was waiting with a first aid kit. He dressed the wound and you thanked him. You then got up and was about to head out of the building. That's when you bumped into Ash in the process. You weren't expecting to bump into him. He was holding a bag of shopping and Shorter was with him. He was holding 2 bags, one of them most likely had a more edible breakfast in it.

"Where are you going?" Ash asked, looking down at you sending a shiver to go down your spine which caused you to jump.

"Oh well. Since I'm now staying here, I err need some clothes. So I was gonna go to my apartment to get some." You said slightly worried. You weren't sure if he thought you were telling the truth or not.

"Ok. Shorter go with her." He said, before walking past.

"I guess he could tell I was telling the truth. Wait. Did he say Shorter is going with me?!" You thought to yourself.

"Eh? I'll be fine on my own." You said shrugging your shoulders.

"Nope. He's going with you." Ash said, unpacking his bags.

You left the building with Shorter walking behind you. You were slightly. No. Extremely annoyed that you had an escort. You tried everything to brush him off. You tried everything to get rid of him. But he didn't seem to want to go. It was almost as if he hung onto Ash's every word. It was obvious that him and Ash were friends. Still, you wanted some alone time.

"You know, I can tell you want to get rid of me. You're not gonna get rid of me that easily." Shorter said.

"What?! How'd you know I was trying to get rid of you?!" You said, stopping dead in your tracks.

"I mean. It's kind of obvious." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

You just stood there in shock. Not moving. You didn't know what to say. Or do. "Ash's friends are just as observant as he is." You thought to yourself. You then continued the walk to your apartment. But, once you got there you soon realised you didn't have your key. Shorter seemed annoyed. You put on a smile then remembered something.

"Oh wait. I hid a spare one outside." You said, rummaging around in the plant pot. "Bingo!" You add.

You walked into your apartment while Shorter stays outside. You head for your room and grab a bag to pack your belongings in. You then head for your kitchen to rifle through your hidden stash of snacks. You grabbed another bag and loaded the bag with all of the snacks in the cupboard.

"Hey you almost done? It's getting dark out." Shorter said.

"Almost. Just need to grab more snacks from my cupboard." You shouted.

"Ah ok." Shorter said.

You continued grabbing the snacks from the cupboard until it was bare. You headed for the fridge and grabbed all of the Ramune and drinks that you had in it. You finished packing and was heading for the door with the 2 bags. One was extremely heavy, that you were dragging along the floor. The other was on your shoulder.

"Hey, let me take that." Shorter said, taking the bag from you. "Why's it so heavy?" He added.

"Cos. It's filled with snacks and drinks. I need something to snack on. Besides Eiji's cooking is gross." You said, sticking your tongue out.

"I've never had it." Shorter said.

"Don't. It's inedible." You said, starting to laugh.

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