Chapter 7

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⚠️mentions of drugs⚠️

You let out a sigh, before trying to stand up to follow him back inside. You still felt weak after what had happened the previous day. You attempted to stand up, but immediately regretted it. By this point, Ash was already at the door. He turned to see you hadn't followed yet. He went back over to you and put his arm around your shoulder. You didn't want to have to rely on people. You wanted to brave your way through it. But this time, you couldn't. You eventually make it back inside and Ash places you on the bed. You were surprised to see that Eiji was still asleep.

"How is he still asleep?! Surely, he heard me. Surely, he heard the whole conversation. Oh I really hope he didn't. It's bad enough that Ash has worked me out, I don't want other's doing the same." You said before letting out a sigh as Ash returned with a glass of water.

It's like he knew you were uncertain about taking the pill. It's like he knew how you were truly feeling about taking it. So he put it in your water when he was getting the glass for you. That way, he could feel slight relief that you would actually get a decent night's sleep. Or maybe, he did it because he wanted to keep you safe. Once he found out someone was looking for you, his mood seemed to change. He seemed to want to protect you with his life. Obviously, you felt the same. Once you had deducted that his past was similar to yours, you wanted to protect him with your life. He handed you the glass, you were still unsure about his idea.

"Did you..." You said, before he cut you off.

"Yeah. I could tell you weren't so sure of the idea, so I put it in the drink." He said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You know you can go to sleep, right? You don't have to stay awake. I'll be fine." You say.

"Nope. I want to make sure you actually go to sleep. I'm not getting up until that glass is empty." He says, looking into your (eye colour) eyes.

You let out a sigh before answering. "Fine." You said in defeat.

After a while, your body began to feel heavy and weak. Keeping your eyes open after every blink was a real struggle. You tried to fight it. But lost. Immediately falling asleep. Once you had, Ash got up and went back to his own bed. You weren't going to have a restless night. You could have a decent rest. Sleep could become something normal for you.

Time Skip:
It was 10am. Eiji was already awake and preparing breakfast. Ash was still asleep. And so were you. After, Eiji had made breakfast for the three of you. He then went back into the room you were sleeping in. He went straight over to Ash and tried to wake him up. After a couple of attempts, he finally managed to wake Ash up.

"Mhm?" Ash said, stirring.

"Come on. Get up. Breakfast is ready." Eiji said beaming.

"Oh. Ok. You gonna try waking Y/N up?" Ash said, sitting up.

"I can try." Eiji said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Good luck with that." Ash said, also shrugging his shoulders.

"Hey. Y/N wake up." Eiji said, shaking you.

You didn't move. Nor stir. He tried for a couple minutes but had no luck. Ash then remembered why you were still asleep. He told Eiji that you probably weren't gonna wake up anytime soon. However, he didn't want to divulge anything that you had told him the previous night. So he just played with the truth.

"She's not gonna wake up anytime soon. She's probably wiped out after yesterday." Ash said.

"Hmm." Eiji said, not seeming to believe him.

"Wait. Doesn't food wake her up?" Eiji then added.

"Dunno." Ash said, shrugging his shoulders.

"She seemed super excited when you brought her Chinese yesterday." Eiji said, before heading to go and get some food.

Much to Ash's surprise, Eiji's plan worked. As soon as you smelt the food, you immediately woke up. You weren't tired anymore. And you actually had a decent rest. You then sighed cos you realised Ash's little plan worked as well. That meant you had to stay.

"Hmm?" You said sitting up, still trying to adjust to the light in the room.

"You're finally awake. I knew food would work." Eiji said beaming.

"I'm slightly annoyed that it did. I was enjoying sleeping. But you disturbed it." You said, taking the food from Eiji.

"That's laughable!" Ash said, laughing.

"Hey! It's not funny! I'm also annoyed that your plan worked." You said, looking at Ash.

"Oh yeah. I actually forgot about that." Ash said shrugging his shoulders.

"Shit. And I just reminded you." You said, taking a bite of the food Eiji made.

"Ash come here." You said.

"Hmm?" Ash said, going towards you.

"Can I have some more edible food?" You whispered in his ear causing him to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Eiji said.

"Nothing. Don't worry." Ash said.

A past to forget, a future to remember - Ash Lynx x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now