A/N I'm sorry I've been forgetting to upload. 😅 Chapter 19 will still come out tomorrow!
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." (1 Corithians 16:13)
The demon hissed and launched itself at Ashim. Ashim dropped the materials and dodged to the side, still invisible. He pulled out his sword and tried to strike the demon, but it quickly morphed into a shadow, dodging the blow.
Ashim knew that if he could just set off the bomb, he would be fine. Sure, he might get injured, but it was a small price to pay. All he had to do was light the rope and the whole thing would explode.
Ashim faked a strike and hit to his left, just as the shadow morphed back into a demon. It hissed in pain, falling to the ground, and Ashim knew he had a few seconds to light the rope.
"Come on, come on!" Ashim muttered, trying to strike a match with no success. Before he knew it the demon was back up, and it ran at Ashim with full force. He stepped to the side and the demon surpassed him, reaching the end of the hallway.
"Go, go, go!" Ashim cried, finally setting the match on fire. He threw it at the rope and ran for his life. The demon hissed at him and the bomb exploded, triggering a sequence of chain events that eventually ended up in the demon getting swept up by the giant net Ashim had set up.
"See ya!" Ashim teased, before running away as fast as he could.
"Come on, Xale, come on," Ley paced around the entrance to the tunnel. He waited anxiously for Xale to arrive.
"Ley!" Xale exclaimed, walking down the stairs backwards, firing shots at the demons following him with his lava gauntlet.
"Xale! What are you doing?"
"Just giving these demons a little spice!" Xale didn't take his eyes off the weapon he held in his hands. He fired a few more shots and then clipped it back into his belt. "Okay. Let's go find Eloise!"
"And Kayta," Ley added as the two rushed down the stairs, running down to the bottom floor again. They ran past the cells Ley had been kept in, down the twisting, winding halls of the dungeons, and then finally they found the large room with thick walls.
"I'll go this way, you go that way," Ley whispered to Xale. Xale gave him a thumbs up and the two of them ran off in separate directions.
Ley ran through the doorway that was labelled "demon master throne room". He had a feeling that Kayta was inside, and he was right. She was on the ground in front of a massive throne... with a demon sitting on it. But not just any demon. It was bigger than the rest. Way bigger. Its hand was as big as Ley's whole body. He knew that it had to be the demon master.
Ley thought she was dead, and he almost ran out to her. But Kayta slowly got up from the floor and looked up at the demon master. Ley admired how she was able to stay strong, even when she was faced with the biggest danger of her entire life. But she looked weak, she wouldn't be able to hold her ground for much longer.
The demon hissed, and then hit Kayta with some sort of dark shadowy power that knocked her out and sent her flying into the corner of the room.
"Sssstubbornn onnne youuu areee," he growled as he got up from his throne and started walking towards Kayta.
Ley hadn't been spotted yet, so he pulled the bow out of his belt as quietly as he could, grabbed the special "acid" arrows he had been reserving, and aimed it at the demon master's forehead. But before he could even fire, the demon stopped short, as if he was recollecting his thoughts. He then turned and walked out of the room.
Ley waited a full ten seconds to make sure the demon was gone before rushing over to Kayta.
"Kayta?" he said, shaking her. "Kayta, it's me, Ley!"
She stirred a little before opening her eyes. They lit up once she realized who he was.
"Ley?" Kayta exclaimed, overcome with joy. "Ley! It's you!"
He breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness," he lifted her off the floor into a hug. "I thought you were dead."
She chuckled.
"What happened? Are you okay?"
"I'm perfectly fine," she smiled. "Thanks to you."
"It's no problem. Now come on, we gotta go," he urged her. "Are you strong enough to walk?"
"Of course, but I can't get these chains off," she explained, lifting up her arms. "I've been trying for a while to break them, but I can't."
Ley grabbed her arm and tried to pull off the chains, but they were wrapped tightly around her wrists. He kept trying as Kayta rambled about what had happened to her.
"He stomped on the walkie talkie just as Ashim was trying to talk to me. Can you believe that? How rude. And then I got put in this tiny cell that smelled really bad. I tried to tell the guard to bring me some febreeze or something but he told me to shut up. And then he complained about the other three or something making a lot of unnecessary noise. Wait, was that you?"
Ley chuckled. "Yeah, Star, Jem, and I decided to play some music with the walls."
"Sounds like you had a fun time."
"We tried to make light of the situation."
Ley finally pulled off the chains. Kayta rubbed her wrists and wiggled her fingers. "Good to be free," she chuckled.
"You bet," Ley nodded.
"Where to now?" she asked.
"Let's get out of here."
Ley put an arm under Kayta to steady her. The two walked to the entrance of the throne room, just as the door slammed shut. Bars flew down, encompassing the room. The two of them were trapped.
"I guess this is where the demon master went," Ley realized.
Kayta groaned. "Oh no."
Action"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12) When eight teens disc...