Sammie POV
The past few days I've gotten to know Stefan and Elena, they seem okay but I don't trust any adult,
I was currently in the woods walking around since I don't like staying at home,
"Hey be careful," I heard Elena's voice
"What's going on?" I said walking closer to them,
They both spin around
"Sammie what are you doing here?" Stefan said
I just shrugged,
"I'm going down in the well to get something," Stefan said
I just nodded, I don't really care what they do,
He then looked at Elena,
"I'll only be down there for a minute," Stefan said
He jumps into the well I stand next to Elena,
We hear Stefan splash,
"Elena!! Sammie!!" Stefan screamed
"Stefan!?" Elena screamed
What is making him scream like that? I thought
"Sammie!! Elena!!" Stefan screamed
"Stefan what's happening?!" Elena screamed
"What's going on?" I said
"Vervain oh god! Help!" Stefan yelled
Vervain? I thought confused
"Stefan!" Elena yelled
Elena jumps off the edge of the wall and tries to pick up a heavy chain on the ground,
"Sammie help me," She said
I walked over to help her but the chain was so heavy,
Then a girl with blonde hair rushes out of no where,
"Elena!" The girl yelled
"Caroline, Stefan's down there and the chain is rusted," Elena explained
Caroline starts to climb into the well,
"No, No, No! you can't it's filled with vervain, Caroline we've got to get him out, now!" Elena yelled
Caroline grabs the chain,
I roll my eyes I jump on the wall,
"Sammie what are you-" Elena said
But I jumped in the well,
"Sammie!!" Elena yelled,
I splashed at the bottom of the well,the water was freezing cold, I come up to the surface of the water, to see Stefan barley conscious with blisters all over his face,
"Throw the chain down!" I yelled up at them,
The chain is thrown down,as I was tying the chain around Stefan he kept whispering about finding the moonstone,
"Okay pull him up!" I yelled
They start pulling him up,
I start look around in all the cracks in the well for this stone,
"Hurry! Sammie," I heard Caroline yell
I search in the water and feel a little box,
"I've got it!" I yelled
"Pull me up,"I yelled as I held onto the chain,
Once I was up, I sat down crossing my arms shivering, my teeth chattering,
"Sammie are you crazy?" Elena asked
"Just a little," I said
Then I felt someone drape a jacket over me even though I was drowning in the Jacket, and see that it was Stefan he looked as if nothing happened,
"Thanks," I mumbled
Later Me and Stefan walked into his place,
"Wow this place is huge," I mumbled
Stefan chuckled,
"This way,"Stefan said
Then a guy with dark black hair and icy blue eyes walked in
"Stefan?" The guy said then looked at me,
"Who's the kid?" He said
"Damon this is Sammie she helped me get the Moonstone," Stefan said
Damon arched his brow confused,
"Mason had the well filled with vervain," Stefan said
Stefan Elbowed me,
"Right," I said digging in my pocket, I tossed the stone to Damon,
"All that for this?" Damon said
Stefan nodded
"How about I drive you home," Stefan said
I nodded,
"Later Tiny," Damon said
I glared at him, I guess I should explain you see I'm a little small for my age,
With that me and Stefan walked out

Vampire Diaries, Little Human
FanfictionSammie Or as most people call her is Sam, is a Thirteen year old girl, only just moved to Mystic Falls a few months ago, Her life was a difficult one, with parents who could care less about if she would live or die, But all of that changed after sh...