Ch. 4 "Distraction"

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                                                     Sammie POV

Currently I'm with Caroline, we are walking through the halls, until Someone grabs Caroline by the wrist and pushes her against the wall, 

"Hey!" I said 

She looked just like Elena, She must be Katherine, she smiled at me then looked at Caroline, 

"What are Stefan and Damon up to?" Katherine said 

"What do you mean?" Caroline said 

"I've got Jeremy Gilbert luring me out to the lake what's going on?" Katherine said not sounding happy, 

"I don't know... nothing," Caroline said 

She starts to choke Caroline, 

"Hey why don't you pick on someone your own size," I said glaring at her, 

She looked down at me, 

"Not now... the adults are talking," Katherine said 

"Don't lie to me Caroline, they're up to something what is it?" Katherine said 

"I..." Caroline 

She starts to choke Caroline harder, 

"Wait, No, no,no! okay they're trying to kill you." Caroline said 

"I figured as much, where is the moonstone?" Katherine said 

"Bonnie has it," I said crossing my arms, 

"And where is Bonnie right now?" Katherine said 

"I don't know," Caroline said 

She chokes Caroline again raising her off the ground,

"Okay, she's upstairs, she's upstairs!"Caroline said 

Katherine releases her, 

Katherine is Dragging Caroline who is crying, and Me who lets be honest I'm used to this kind of treatment, 

"Why do you keep dragging me into this? I don't want any part of it," Caroline said 

"Shut up! little Minnow isn't complaining," Katherine said 

I just rolled my eyes, 

We are in front of a door, 

"Which room is it?" Katherine said 

"It's that one," Caroline said nodding towards the door, 

Katherine goes in the room Me and Caroline stay outside, 

"Where is she?" Katherine said 

Caroline's crying turns into laughter, 

"I did it! I really didn't think that I'd be able to fool you but I did it!" Caroline said sounding pleased with herself, 

Katherine rushes over but she can't leave the room she's trapped, 

"What the..? Stefan?" Katherine said 

He is in the room he has a stake in his hand and looks at it then her, 

"Hello Katherine," Stefan said 

"Goodbye Katherine," Caroline said taking me by the hand and dragging me off, 

After the whole killing Katherine went south I spot Elena by her car, 

"Hey Elena!" I yelled running to her, 

"Sammie," She said shocked 

"Sorry to ask you this but could you give me a ride home?" I asked 

"Sure," She said smiling 

Next thing I know I felt a pinch in my neck and everything went black, 

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