Ch. 30 "Anger"

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                                                         Sammie POV

Dad rushed at her but with one swipe of her hand dad was thrown into another direction crashing into a dumpster, 

"Dad!" I said rushing towards him, 

I was keeling in front of him looking at him with worry, 

She slowly started to make her way towards us, 

using her hand to knock stuff out of her path, 

She glared at my dad raising her hand making him scream in pain, 

"Stop! Stop it!" I yelled with pleading eyes, 

"Stupid Child don't you see!?" My mother said 

"You may have obtained some trace of my power, but you are still no threat to me, little girl" My mother said glaring at me, 

"I am your creator, you exist only to serve me, you survive only because I allow it, what hope can a mere child have, defeating her own powerful mother!" My mom said 

I looked down at the ground, at this point she was right in front of me, then I looked up at her with a glare standing up, 

"You may have created me..." I said 

Finally standing up for myself against her, 

"But you were never my mother," I said 

taking my gloves off taking hold of both of her wrists making her scream in pain, 

"You wrenched insignificant-" My mother said trying to get out of my grip but I held on to her wrists tighter, 

"Mother's are kind,Mothers protect you, mother's raise you!" I said 

"I was protected by other people, I raised myself," I said 

She screamed in pain keeling on both knees screaming in agonizing pain, but I didn't care all the things this woman put me through, I wanted her to feel what it's like to be in pain, 

"You are not welcomed here, Damon and Stefan are my family" I said glaring at her 

She was practically in tears, as my hands continued to glow red, 

"Sammie stop your going to kill her!" I heard Dad yell 

But I was in too much anger, all the pent up anger frustration, sadness every emotion this woman caused me I wanted her to feel,I thought 

"Sammie enough!" Dad said 

I felt myself being ripped off of her, 

I felt myself shaking by the time I let go, 

Dad looked at me with concern then at my mom who was laying on the ground barley conscious from the pain I put her through, 

He pointed at her, 

"You get the hell out of my sight before I rip your heart out myself," Dad said glaring at her, 

I felt as if my whole body was made of jello,

"Come on lets go home," Dad said picking me up and taking me to the car, 

                                      Damon POV

After I laid Sammie in bed I went down to talk to Stefan, 

"You should have seen it Stefan," I said as I drank from my glass, 

"What?" He asked 

"I didn't think Sammie was capable of such anger, but she was, she looked at this woman, this woman who is supposed to be her mother with such hate," I said 

"Do you blame her all the things this woman has done to her," Stefan said 

"Well no, but hate is my job, Sammie is the kind of happy go lucky, hide secrets from my friends and family kind of girl, she doesn't really get mad," I said 

"Tell me about it, it's like pulling teeth to get her to tell you something," Stefan said 

"Yeah I know off subject, what I'm getting at is this kid doesn't get mad, but she almost killed her mother Stefan," I said 

"And she was literally absorbing her magic," I said 

Stefan nodded 

"How the hell are we going to address this?" I said 

"Don't go all angry at her Damon I think she was trying to save your life," Stefan said 

"Yeah, but-" I said 

"Damon just leave it alone," Stefan said 

I just rolled my eyes,

I went upstairs to check on Sammie to see her shivering? 

I walked in the room she was shivering even though she had blankets on, 

I felt her forehead and she was burning up,

"Stefan! Get up here!" I said in a panicked voice 

Please be okay I thought 

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