Ch. 15 "Fight"

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                                                     Sammie POV

Me and Damon were talking To Bonnie and Elena, 

"There's Ric, we'll be back," Damon said 

"We will?" I asked as he grabbed my arm 

Damon and me walk over and stand next to Rick, 

"Special dedication huh? this guy's a little twisted," Rick said 

"I think it's cool that he makes someone feel special," I said under my breath 

I see Rick and Damon looking at me weird, 

"I'm not impressed," Damon said 

I seen Rick look disappointed, That's weird I thought, 

"No?" Rick said 

"Let me know if you see anything out of whack," Damon left, 

Hmm he's acting wird, maybe im gonna test something out, 

I see Rick looking at me weirdly, 

"I'm still mad at you for what you did," I said crossing my arm, 

See me and Rick hardly ever get into fights so when we do, he apologies specifically for what he did, 

So for example if I would say I'm mad at you, He would say I am sorry for daggering Elijah in front of you

He looked at me confused, I knew it! That's not Ric now I'm gonna have to get out of this very casually 

"Well since you're not talking I need to pee," I said leaving, 

as I was in the hallway I felt as someone was following me, I turned around to see Rick, 

He was smirking at me, 

"Something on your mind love?' Rick said that was the icing on the cake, I knew for a fact that wasn't Rick

"You're Klaus," I said glaring at him, 

"Bravo love what gave me away? was it the clothes?' He said 

I rolled my eyes about to walk into the Dane room again but Rick grabbed me and that quick I was in a different room, 

I turned around glaring at him, 

"Nothing Personal love but can't have you spilling my secret just yet," Klaus said 

Next thing I know is his hand is over my mouth and I'm pinned to the wall, I reached out for the closest thing which happened to be a very heavy vase and cracked it hard against his head, making him stubble back and making me gasp for air, 

While he was stunned I looked around to see Mr. Salttzman on the desk good this is Ricks classroom and I heard he keeps weapons in the bottom drawer of his dest so I ran for that grabbing a stake and a bow and launched it at his leg, 

He screamed in pain but gave me enough time to run, 

I ran out the classroom only to be tackled to the ground, 

"Have to admit love didn't think you a little human would put up this much of a fight," He said 

"You'll learn there is a lot about me a lot of people don't know about," I said glaring at him

Next thing I know he covers my mouth with his hand I try to hit him but I was to weak and everything went dark, 

                                                  Damon POV

I carried an unconscious Sammie up to my room I laid her on my bed and went back down stairs to get some water, but Stefan followed me up the stairs, 

"She cast a spell Bonnie's okay," I said 

"You know you could have told me," Stefan said to me, 

"How do I know when you're going to got blabbing things to your girlfriend?" I said 

"You understand what you put her through?" Stefan said 

"See that's why I didn't tell you cause you would have never been able to do it, don't get me wrong Stefan, I don't mind being the bad guy, I'll make all the life and death decisions while you're busy worrying about collateral damage I'll even let her hate me for it but at the end of the day, I'll be the one keeping her alive," I said 

"Now if you'll excuse me I have a passed out kid upstairs I have to make sure is okay," I said walking back up the stairs, 

I see Sammie still unconscious but something spots my attention some of her sleeve is up past her wrist and I see a massive bruise, 

"What the hell is this?' I said to myself still looking at the bruise in utter shock,

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