Sammie Or as most people call her is Sam, is a Thirteen year old girl, only just moved to Mystic Falls a few months ago, Her life was a difficult one, with parents who could care less about if she would live or die,
But all of that changed after sh...
The last few days have been great, no incidents with absorbing magic thanks to my new bracelet,
No surprise of my mother and Stepdad showing up out of no where,
It has just been me Dad and Uncle Stefan it's been great, For once in a long time I felt as if I was a normal kid,
Right now I'm sitting on the couch reading a book when Dad walks in,
"Get up Dove and follow me," Dad said
I shut my book and follow him outside and get in the car,
"So where are we going?" I asked
"You're going to school," Dad said
I looked at him with a really look,
"Don't look at me like that, when has it been since you been to school," Dad said
"Um a long time since I'm home schooled," I said crossing my arms,
"Well not anymore you need to meet kids your age, you know have fun be a-" He said
"If you say normal kid, well it's not going to be pretty because you and I both know that is never going to happen... ever," I mumbled as I slid lower in my seat,
"Look Sam, I know a lot has happened but it is possible," Dad said
"You and I both know that can't happen, One I can literally absorb magic from anything magic or supernatural, Two my father and Uncle are vampires and my psychopath of a mother is a witch," I said as I counted the numbers on my fingers
"Look I know it is very hard to forget everything that has happened, I just want you to not think about any of it for a change meet some kids your age have fun, it seems you don't get to enjoy any of it," Dad said
"I got over it years ago," I mumbled
"Please Dove for me, at least for a peace of mind," Dad said as He pulled up to the school,
"Fine," I mumbled
"That's my dove," He said kissing my forehead,
"Now go make some friends have fun," Dad said
I nodded,
I got out of the car and he drove off,
I really hate this, I thought as I approached the school, I took a deep breath, this is a really really bad idea, I thought
I hate meeting new people, I definitely hate going to school, and I really really hate small spaces, I thought as I walked down the halls to the office,
Damon POV
I walked in the house to see Stefan,
"Where's Sammie?" He asked
"I put her in school," I said pouring a drink,
"Is that really a good idea after what has happened?" he asked me,
"Yes, she needs to meet kids her own age, have fun instead of worrying all the dam time," I said
"You don't think it's a little soon especially what happen a few days ago," He said crossing his arms,
"No she's gonna be just fine," I said
Sammie POV
I was walking down the hallway when some kids tripped me, making me fall to the ground,
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"Aww did the new girl fall?" A boy said
I just rolled me eyes,
I stood up walking away, make friends he said, it'll be fun he says, I thought as I walked out of the school,
Well guess what not this girl, I'd rather be a dumb broad then try to go through fit in and deal with petty girls who have nothing better to do, I thought
I walked through the woods to my favorite spot, I laid on my back looking at the fluffy clouds my hands linked behind my head,
Then I hear walking and See Stefan and Elena, I hid as quick as I could just hoping they didn't see me, I thought
"How's she doing?" I heard Elena ask,
"She's acting fine like nothing happened, just like-" Stefan said
"Damon," Elena said cutting him off,
"Yeah, she's exactly like he was when we were children," Stefan said
"Do you think she's just putting a front up like always?" Elena asked
"It's hard to tell," Stefan said
"Come on we better get you home it's getting late," Stefan said
I looked at the sky it was getting dark, I'm just hoping dad doesn't know I ditched my first day I thought as I started walking towards the house,