Sammie POV
My heavy eyelids slowly flutter open, I look around the room seeing that I'm in my room at the boarding house,
I look at the clock to see that it's 3AM,
"Great," I mumbled
I got out of bed walking into the bathroom, brushing my hair and teeth, and changing my clothes,
I quietly walk down the stairs, tip toeing trying not to make a sound,
I peeked down the stairs not seeing anyone, I made it all the way to the door just as I was about to turn the knob,
The light turned on,
"Going somewhere?" I heard Damon's voice,
I scrunched my face knowing that I just got caught,
I turned around to see that he had to have heard me seeing that his hair was a mess,
"umm yeah, just for a walk," I said making it sound like a question
"Not after the stunt you pulled yesterday," He said walking towards me,
"Huh?" I tilted my head,
"Don't huh me, we need to talk so sit," Damon said pointing to the couch.
"I'm not a dog," I said crossing my arms,
"Sammie dont test me right now, Sit. Now," He said
I let out a sigh and sat on the couch, and crossed my arms,
"So first question," Damon said as he pulled a shirt on over his head,
"What the hell are you doing up this early?" Damon said
I just shrugged,
"Sammie?" He said glaring at me,
I rolled my eyes,
"I just couldn't sleep okay," I said
The truth was I have nightmares about what has happened to me with my so called parents,
Well my dad isn't really my dad, Damon is, and my mom kept it from me and Damon,
I looked Damon in the eyes then looked away, and I do see it I look just like him, from the dark cole hair to the icy piercing blue eyes,
"Are you listening?" Damon said
I looked up at him since he's now standing in front of me,
"What?" I asked
He let out a frustrated sigh,
"I said why did you think it was a good idea to jump a few states?" Damon said sternly with his arms crossed
For some reason I feel like I'm in trouble I thought
"Umm, because I felt like it," I said
trying to put up a front which isn't working because the look on Damon's face he look more mad than he did earlier,
"Sammie you better give me a better reason than that," He said angry,
"What do you want me to say!" I said standing up
"Don't you raise you voice at me young lady!" Damon said
"Or what?" I said glaring at him
"Sammie?" He said glaring right back,
"What do you want from me!?" I said getting irritated
"How about the truth for once!" Damon said
"I don't lie!" I said
"Yeah, well you don't tell me anything that is ever going on with you! God dam it Sammie I'm trying to help you!" Damon said
"I didn't ask for it," I said my voice cracking
"You didn't have to, Sammie I know it's hard to understand but I do care and I'm not gonna let them lay a finger of you ever again," Damon said Cupping my face
I felt tears welling up in my eyes,
"Now please tell me why you left?" Damon said softly
"Because I heard your conversation with my mom..." I said
His eyes got wide,
"Damon I was afraid," I said slightly looking up at him
"Damon I'm always afraid of what is going to happen to me, that is why I am so angry all the time, it is my only defense anymore,okay I push people away that way they don't have to be in my madness that my family is," I said
I get the tears falling down my face I was spilling my guts to him now and I don't know why,
"And when I heard that you were my real father I didn't know how to act, so I ran, I didn't know how to act because all my life I've been surrounded by people who didn't give a dam if I lived or died," I said as my voice was breaking,
"When I met you and Stefan and the others I had something I didn't even knew existed okay, That is why I act the way I do," I said
"When you grow up not knowing what it is like to be cared for or loved or anything like that it is the only defense you have! okay I would rather have people hate me than to run into my mess of a life!" I said glaring at him through my tears,
Next thing I know I'm brought into a bone crushing hug,
"You don't have to worry about any of that anymore I promise," Damon said as he petted my hair,
"I didn't know about you, because if I did I would have taken you away from that a long time ago," Damon said
We were both on the floor on our knees embracing,
"I promise if I have to for the rest of my eternal life I will make up for this, I promise," Damon said
I wrapped my arms around his back as I cried into his neck,
"It's okay little Dove I'm here now, your real Father is here now," Damon said as he comforted me,
This feeling I was feeling wasn't something I was used to,
Damon POV
I couldn't believe what they put her through now I deeply regret not ripping both of them to shreds,
"It's okay little Dove I'm here now, your real Father is here now," I said as I looked and petted her hair,
If it takes the rest of my life I'm gonna make sure Sammie has everything she was supposed to have since she was born, love and I am going to show her what that is, I thought still looking up at the ceiling

Vampire Diaries, Little Human
FanfictionSammie Or as most people call her is Sam, is a Thirteen year old girl, only just moved to Mystic Falls a few months ago, Her life was a difficult one, with parents who could care less about if she would live or die, But all of that changed after sh...