Sammie POV
I felt a blinding light hitting my heavy eyelids, I slowly crack my eyes open, My vision was blurry at first, I blinked a few times, then it became clear,
I sat up, looking around,
I've never been in this room before,
I slowly walked out, I'm pretty sure that was Damon's room, I thought
I walked down the stairs,
I see Damon and Stefan talking,
"It's seriously going to be like this?" Stefan said
"You and your girlfriend are calling the shots I'm just backing off, Stefan," Damon said
Stefan Leaves Andie and Damon are talking
Maybe if I'm really quiet I can sneak out the back,
I quickly tried to sneak out the back when I'm lifted from under my arms,
"Hey! Cut it out!" I yelled as I struggled
"Not until you tell me where you were sneaking off too," Damon said setting me back on my feet,
"No where in particular," I said shrugging,
"Good then maybe you can explain this," Damon said
He pulled my sleeve up half my arm where there was a big bruise, good thing he didn't go any further,
"Umm, it must have happened yesterday when I fought with Klaus," I said giving my best poker face,
"So that's why I found you unconscious, you were fighting with Klaus?" Damon said
"Yeah, it's no big deal," I said shrugging,
"No big Deal! Sammie how many times must we go through this?" Damon said pinching the bridge of his nose,
"I don't know what the big deal is?' I said crossing my arms,
"Because he is the Original vampire! and you're just a- just a.." Damon said
"Human?" I said glaring at him,
"That's not what I was going to say, I was going to say Kid," Damon said
I rolled my eyes,
"Don't you roll those blue eyes at me young lady," Damon said
"Seriously Damon I don't know what the big deal is?" I said as we started walking,
"You could get hurt! jeez Sammie must I spell it out for you?" Damon said
I spun around looking at him angry,
"Yes! Okay! Tell me why it is such a big deal that I get hurt! I'm not important so why do you care!?" I said
"Don't you take that tone with me young lady! it is a big deal because I'm the only one who seems to notice that you do reckless things!" Damon said
"And I care because you remind me of my human self okay!" Damon said
"That doesn't mean you have to, I'm not your responsibility!" I said
"Listen to me because I'm only going to say this once," Damon said looking at me seriously,
"As long as I give a dam you are my responsibility," Damon said
I looked at him a little shocked, why would someone who has no blood bond with someone care so much? why care about a kid who gives them nothing but attitude to cover up the pain? Why care? I thought I was so confused
"Come on lets go we've got someone we need to see," Damon said
I nodded Following him and Andie out
We were outside of Rick's apartment,
"I don't think this is a good idea," Andie said
"Investigative, journalism we're investigating," Damon said
Andie knocks
I open the door and See Katherine,
"Katherine!" I said running a hugging her,
"My little Minnow how did you find me," She said petting my hair,
"Thought you might be dead," Damon said
"Unfortunately not," Katherine said as we parted
"What are you doing here?" Katherine said
I was now with Damon and Andie again,
"We are here to rescue you," Andie said
"No, sweetie we are here to see if she deserves to be rescued," Damon said
"Right," Andie said
I swear this chick is a blonde, I thought
"I figured you still might be kicking, Alaric/Klaus was blending way to easily figured he probably had some coaching," Damon said
Damon shows a phial
"Is that..." Katherine said
"Vervain? your salvation," Damon said
"It's not going to undo anything," Katherine said
"There's always a loophole, did he tell you to stay in this apartment until he said it was okay to leave?' Damon said
She didn't say anything
"You can't say, did he tell you to do absolutely everything he says until the end of time?" Damon said
"No," Katherine said
"There's your loophole, drink this and it'll prevent any further compulsion," Damon said
She can't cross to take the vervain
"Give it to me," Katherine said
"Answer one question first you double crossed us with Isobel, why?" Damon said
"I didn't think you could stand a chance against Klaus so I was looking out for myself," Katherine said
"And where did that get you? here," Damon said he tossed the phial to her
"Be careful with that if he finds out you have that you're never getting out of here," Damon said
She drinks it and coughs,
"You owe me, and I will collect," Damon said
Come on Tiny, Damon said guiding me to leave,
"Bye Katherine," I said waving to her,
"Bye my Minnow," She said
I told Damon I had to go home because he is getting suspicious, I don't like suspicious maybe I should distance myself from them,
I walk in the door and see my Dad drunk and my mom passed out in the kitchen, I quietly walk in and I made a noise making them wake up,
I could feel my heart racing on no, I thought
Damon POV
Something is up with Sammie the more I question the more she pushes me away, what am I gonna do to get through to this kid that she can talk to me,
That it is okay to tell me what is going on,
Ive made up my mind I'm gonna dig into this kid even if I have to ask around myself I am going to get to the bottom of this if it's the last thing I do, I thought

Vampire Diaries, Little Human
FanfictionSammie Or as most people call her is Sam, is a Thirteen year old girl, only just moved to Mystic Falls a few months ago, Her life was a difficult one, with parents who could care less about if she would live or die, But all of that changed after sh...