Ch. 31 "problem"

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                                               Damon POV

I paced back and forth as Stefan was looking up what the hell was going on in a book at least trying to look up what the hell is going on, 

We took Sammie to the doctor they said there is nothing physically wrong with her, despite the fever and chills, 

"Anything?" I asked 

"Nothing I can't find anything," Stefan said sounding concerned 

See a few days ago she got sick really sick and every once in a while if she sneezes you would think a massive earthquake just passed though the house, 

Which causes me and Stefan to hit the deck every once in a while, 

"How can't there be anything about this in any book!" I said throwing a glass across the room, 

"Hey relax Damon were going to figure this out," Stefan said standing up about to leave, 

"I can't relax my daughter is upstairs suffering, how can you be so dam calm," I said glaring at him, 

"Because one of us have to," He said 

"And I'm going to see if Bonnie can find anything out," He said leaving 

I took a deep breath, 

"I haven't ever seen you this much a mess since you got bit my Jules," I hear Rick say 

"Yeah, well having a daughter does that to you," I said taking a sip of my drink, 

The house started shaking violently again causing Rick to literally dive behind the couch, I think he though we were being attacked, 

"Relax Rick it's Sammie," I said setting my drink down 

I started walking up the stairs to see Sammie tossing her head back and forth like she was having nightmares, I sat next to her with a wet cloth wiping the sweat off of her forehead, 

"I hope we find something soon," I mumbled 

                                             Stefan POV

I was sitting across from bonnie at a booth at the Grill, not liking the news I'm hearing 

"I'm sorry Stefan all the books I own and gone through have nothing," She said 

"So your telling me no book, exists for anything on siphons?" I said pinching the bridge of my nose, 

"I'm sorry I looked into it as deep as I could," She said sounding guilty 

I let out a annoyed sigh, 

"Perhaps we could help," I heard a voice say 

I look up to see Elijah and Klaus 

"What could you two possibly help with?" Bonnie said 

"Well we have walked this earth a lot longer than any of you have," Klaus said smirking 

Bonnie left and Klaus and Elijah sit down across from me, 

"Now please explain everything that is happening?" Elijah said 

I explained everything to them they looked at each other with worry, 

"We've seen this before," Klaus said looking at me, 

"What do we need to do?" I said desperately 

"Elijah go get our mothers grimoire, Stefan grab Sammie and meet us where I preformed the sacrifice we are on a clock here I suggest you move fast," Klaus said getting up, 

"Wait what is going on with my niece?" I said with worry 

"Stefan now is not the time for questions retrieve her quickly," Klaus said with that they were both gone, 

I rushed out of the Grill back to the house, 

                                             Damon POV

Stefan explained everything to me, 

"You can't possibly trust them?" I said glaring at him 

"What choice do we have? Sammie is running out of time and you know it," Stefan said he gently picked up Sammie making her wince 

his one arm under her knees and the other under her neck, 

"Fine but if anything happens-" I began glaring at him 

"I know," He said 

We finally arrive to see Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah, 

"Are you going to tell us what is happening now?' Stefan said 

"Yes, Sammie is a siphon which means she doesn't have her own source of magic, she can only take it from others, such as other witches or supernatural just like all of us," Elijah said 

We both nodded 

"But as you told us at the grill she consumed her mother's magic but hasn't used the magic she has absorbed," Elijah said 

"Yeah and?" I said 

"Bottom line she's consumed too much magic, and she's suffering from it" Klaus said 

"She needs to get rid of that magic and fast," Rebekah said 

My eyes almost popped out of my head, 

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