Ch. 20 "The Truth"

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Sammie POV


"You ungrateful little brat do you have any idea what you have done!?" My mother yelled at me as I was trying to sneak back into the house,

She stormed over to me grabbing me by the hair,

"you've been missing for three days!" My dad yelled

"I didn't think you cared," I said trying to remain strong

"What did you just say?" My mother said looking at me with anger

The next thing I know is that she pushed me down a set of wooden stairs,

End Nightmare

I shot up out of my life that is a nightmare, I feel the sweat falling down the forehead,

"Good your awake we have somethings to talk about get dressed," Damon said walking down the stairs

He didn't look happy, I wonder what is going on? I thought

I got up I got dressed in dark jeans a long sleeved shirt and my converse,

I walked down the stairs,

I see Damon pouring himself a drink, He seen me, I smile at him but he doesn't return it,

"Sammie sit down," He said motioning to the couch,

I felt like something bad was happening here, what is going on? I thought,

I sat on the couch, he sat on the table not far from the couch,

"Sammie, there is no easy way to say this, but..." Damon said looking at me like he was mad,

"But what?" I said innocently

" But while you were asleep I looked into your mind, and I saw," Damon said

My eyes got wide,

"I saw what they do to you," Damon said

I looked away looking at the floor,

"I don't know what your talking about," I said

"Don't play that bull shit with me kid, I know how you feel," Damon said

That's when I got up set and when I get upset it can get a little bad,

"How!? How would you know!" I said standing up,

"Why would you invade my mind without asking me!" I said with anger

"Because obviously you weren't going to tell anybody about it!" Damon said

"Well it's none of your business!" I yelled back

"When it involves you it is my business!" Damon said

I was taken back for a minute but then regained my composure,

"Sammie this may come to a shock to you but there are people around you that do care and I'm one of them," Damon said softly

I felt tears welling up in my eyes,

"I didn't ask you to," I mumbled

"That's because you didn't have to," Damon said

I felt his fingers on my chin making me look at him,

"I know this is hard Sammie but you need to talk to me," Damon said

"About what?" I said my voice breaking a little

"You know what about, Sammie I need you to be honest with me right now... what are they doing to you?" Damon said

Under my sweater I had a tank top,

I felt tears falling down my cheeks,

Do I trust Damon that he can help me, or do I keep this entire thing a secret? I thought

I looked in Damon's eyes he was giving me the look saying don't you dare lie to me,

I let out a breath, taking my sweater off, revealing all my bruises, all the new ones and the old one's that are in the process of healing the one's that were healing but got a new one over it,

His eyes widen,

"They hurt me Damon..." I said almost ashamed of it,

"They hurt me bad,"I said

"Sammie," He went to say

"Please Damon keep this between us, please I don't wanna go away please," I said almost begging him

"Is that what they told you would happen?" Damon said looking at me confused

I nodded

"Please," I said still begging him with tears rolling down my cheeks,

Next thing I know I'm brought into a hug, Damon is on his knees hugging me, petting my hair,

"It's alright Dove, I'm gonna make this better if it's the last thing I do," Damon said

I clutched onto his shirt as I cried,

"How?" I said through breaths,

"They are not going to lay a hand on you ever again, not as long as I'm still breathing," Damon whispered in my ear,

"But.." I said looking at him,

"Don't but me, how about we go find Rick and I'm gonna go find you some clothes for you to stay here for a while," Damon said as he wiped my tears away,

I nodded I put my sweater on, and we walked out,

Damon POV

I dropped Sammie off at Ricks but What Sammie didn't know is that I was fuming, Fuming wasn't the word for it I was red hot mad,

And what she didn't know Is that I was about to pay her dear old parents a visit

I knocked on the door, well more like banged on the door,

Sammie's mother opened the door, her hair a mess and looks like she hasn't left the house in days,

She looks at me in shock,

"Maria?" I said with anger and shock,

"Maria?" I said with anger and shock,

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