Ch. 34 "Accident"

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Sammie POV

I was crossing the street almost home when I heard an engine speed up, I thought I looked in the direction, and seen a black van,

then everything went black, the pain was excruciating, I couldn't open my eyes,

Stefan POV

After I dropped Elena off my Phone rang, I looked down and seen it was caroline,

"Hello," I said

She started speaking so fast I couldn't understand her,

"Whoa, whoa slow down," I said

"Stefan it's Sammie, some black van was aiming at her and hit her! I tried to save her but it was too fast," Caroline said

"What where?" I said automatically worried sick,

"It was just a little bit down from your place," She said worried

"I'm on my way," I said

"Wait she's not there anymore I took her to the hospital, Stefan... it's not looking good," Caroline said

"We'll be there as soon as we can," I said hanging up making my way to the house as soon as I could

I walked in the house seeing Damon fuming,

"Stefan she skipped her first day when I find that little mini me-" Damon said a bit annoyed

"Damon listen to me that is not important, Sammie was in an accident," I said

He looked at me confused but then realized what I just said

"What?" He said with a tone I didn't recognize,

"We need to get to the hospital Damon," I said

He nodded with that we both left for the hospital worried sick,

Damon POV

When I heard Sammie was in an accident and in the hospital I felt as if I couldn't breathe,

when we arrived I see Caroline sitting in a chair with a worried look on her face,

"What happened?" I said angry

She explained how Sammie was crossing the street and a black van sped up as she was crossing, she tried to save her but she was too far away,

"Black van?" I said with almost fury,

Caroline nodded

"Not now Damon you need to be here," Stefan said

I sat down next to Caroline,

"Have you heard anything?" I asked

"No she's still in surgery," She said with sadness,

Hours ticked by, by the time I looked at the clock it was the next day and it wasn't just us waiting now, Katherine was even waiting anxiously, when she heard she got here as fast as she could,

Elijah and Klaus and Rebekah and Kol, even stopped their search for another siphon to wait hoping she was going to be okay,

Elena and Bonnie were also here, even Tyler,

I didn't realize until now how many people truly care for Sammie, how many people's hearts this kid has touched,

I honestly thought Klaus and his siblings even Katherine were incapable of love or caring but they do for my daughter,

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