Ch. 3 "Katherine"

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                                                             Sammie POV

It was Early in the morning after covering the bruise I got for returning home so late last night I snuck out, 

Right now I'm just wondering around Mystic Falls before Dawn, 

I've got to say that it is a little peaceful this early in the morning, 

I was wearing ripped jeans, a Grey shirt and Dark blue Converse, 

I had my hands in my pockets as I walked, 

Then a blue car pulled aside of me as I was walking, 

I looked to see the one and only Damon, 

"You're a tough kid to track down," He said 

I arched my brows, 

"Well you found me what is it you want?" I said 

"Get in, I'll explain on the way, " He said 

I nodded getting in the car,

He explained to me about how most of the people I know are Vampires and a Older Vampire that looks like Elena is in town and how we are going to kill her at the Masquerade tonight, 

"Seems interesting," I said smirking 

"I knew I liked you for a reason tiny," Damon said as we got out of the car, 

As we entered a bunch of people looked in my direction, 

"So you found her," Stefan said with his arms crossed, 

"Yeah, first I went to her place, her parents said she left early, then I searched the whole dam town till I found her, It wasn't easy," Damon said 

I just rolled my eyes, 

"Good to see you again Sammie," Stefan said 

I looked up at him, 

"You too," I said smiling 

Later after being introduced to everyone, I was sitting indian style on the table with all the weapons Ric had out,

"Cool," I said grabbing the bow, 

Next thing I know the stake launches off the bow and is embedded in the wall across the room

"Hey don't touch," Damon said taking it from my hands, 

we were all standing around well I was still sitting, 

"Alright if anybody wants to back out, I'll understand," Stefan said 

"Yeah, cold feet speak now, I don't want this going wrong if someone chicken's out, Caroline," Damon said 

"I won't look she killed me, Fair's fair as long as there's no werewolf running around," Caroline said 

"Oh, I took care of Mason," Damon said 

"As long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone he won't turn," Jeremy said 

"Bonnie? Are you with us?" Stefan said 

Everyone looks at her, 

"But no one gets hurt," Bonnie said 

"Except Katherine, tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart," Damon said 

I decided not to even dress up, I just put a mask on, 

Me, Damon and Stefan are waking together, 

"Not a dress person are you?" Damon asked 

"What gave me away," I said as my arms were crossed 

"The fact that you didn't wear one," Stefan said as he chuckled 

"Let's get this over with," I said 

They both nodded and we made our way inside, 

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