Sammie POV
Me and mom were talking we were talking for hours about anything and everything, when I first met her, I felt sad for her, even though we were trying to kill her, well my dad and Uncle and their friends,
I just didn't understand why? why kill her for what reason did she deserve to die? I thought
But she helped me when I was afraid to touch anyone, she helped me when I ran away when I found out Damon was my father,
She helped me through a lot, they may not seem like much to most people, but to me it was everything, just having some there someone who cares,
I think the reason I stuck to her was because I kind of knew how it felt to be hated, to not be wanted, to be nobody to everyone,
But she was more than that to me, all the talks we've had, all the things she has done for me, that is why I asked,
That is why I asked her if I could call her mom,
Because she's done all of the things a mother is supposed to do, something I didn't understand until she explained it to me, she showed it to me, I thought
"You seem deep in thought my little Minnow," She said walking up to me as I was sitting on the couch,
She handed me a sandwich she had made me,
"Thank you, I was," I said smiling at her,
"What about?" She asked
"When we first met," I said
"Do you remember?" I asked
"Of course, my little minnow how could I possibly forget, someone who has changed my life," She said
I took a bite of the sandwich,
"You know I've been hearing that a lot, but I don't understand why?" I said with a mouth full,
"Don't talk with your mouth full," She said
"And because you are special," She said
"What made you like me in the first place?" I said setting down my sandwich,
"Eat, you need it, because I seen a kid, who was hiding pain from the world, but still put on a brave face just so she wouldn't cause others pain," She said
"I saw a girl who threw on a smile just to reassure herself that everything was okay even though it was far from the truth, a girl who would do anything to keep her walls up, a girl who trusted no one no matter who it was, a girl who hid her pain even though she wanted to scream," She said
"What I saw was a tiny bit of myself, but what I saw most of all is a girl that needed my help, a girl who didn't understand what caring and love is, so that My little Minnow is why, the elusive Katherine Pierce loved you from the beginning," She said
"You still hungry I can make a mean pasta," She said
"No I'm fine thank you," I said smiling at her,
"No wonder your so tiny," She said shaking her head,
Then out of no where the door burst open, our heads both spin towards it,
I see dad and Uncle standing there,
"Sammie there you are!" Dad said rushing towards me, he hugged me,
"Why did you take off?" Uncle Stefan asked
I just shrugged,
"I got bored," I said
"Actually little Minnow got tired of watching you two fighting over the doppelgänger, so she gave me a call and here we are," Mom said
"You, uh saw that huh?" Uncle asked
"It was hard not too," I said
"Can I talk to you two privately," Mom said not looking happy,
Katherine POV
Oh man was I mad, first I have to hear about Elena this and Elena that but I'll be damed if I'm gonna let poor little Minnow have to watch it,
"I suggest you two keep Sammie out of the way of your drama with the doppelgänger," I said crossing my arms,
"We didn't realize she was watching," Damon said
"Damon she is not three, she is thirteen she is going to notice," I said angry,
"Now I suggest you keep Sammie out of it, or I'm taking her with me myself," I said
I walked out of the room to see Sammie looking bored
I smirked
"Okay kid time to go back home with your dad," I said
All three of them walked out but before she left she ran to me hugging me,
"Thank you mom," She said
Then proceeded to follow them out
I had to smile at the word mom,

Vampire Diaries, Little Human
FanfictionSammie Or as most people call her is Sam, is a Thirteen year old girl, only just moved to Mystic Falls a few months ago, Her life was a difficult one, with parents who could care less about if she would live or die, But all of that changed after sh...