Sammie POV
I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain in my stomach, I held my stomach which wasn't a good idea, because as soon as I touched the puffy part of my stomach I felt like I was gonna be sick,
I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom immediately tossing my cookies, what worried me is this time it seemed as if there was blood in it,
My inside felt as if they were on fire, as soon as I thought it was over it came back ten times worse,
after about ten or twenty minutes of hugging the toilet, I slowly got up and wasted my mouth out with water,
I went back into bed, clutching my stomach, feeling my heavy eyelids flutter shut again, I just felt so exsautehd,
"Tiny," I heard someone say,
"Five more minutes," I mumbled pulling the covers up to my face,
I heard a chuckle,
"Come on Tiny," I heard,
I cracked my eyes open to see Damon, He smiled at me,
"Come on get dressed,," He said
with that he walked out,
I stood up slowly, looking around it was starting to get hard to move, I lifted my shirt seeing that my lower stomach was about four of my fist sizes,
"This isn't good.." I mumbled
I put on a oversized sweatshirt on, but my jeans were a little hard to button due to my stomach,
I walked down the stairs slowly, wincing with each step,when I finally got downstairs Damon and Stefan looked at each other,
"Everything okay Sammie?" Stefan asked
"Yeah, umm, why?" I asked
"Well you look a little pale Tiny," Damon said striding over to me,
"I' I'm fine," I said
Damon was right in front of me now, Putting his hand on my forehead,
"God, Sammie you're burning up," Damon said
I push Damon's hand off my head,
"I'm fine," I said
"No you're not, you're clearly not feeling well," Stefan said
I rolled my eyes,
"You're going to the hospital now," Damon said
As soon as I heard those words something inside of me just sparked and I took off running, I don't know what I was thinking running from two vampires clearly I wasn't gonna get far,
Damon grabbed me throwing me over his shoulder, Making me cry out in pain,
Making him set me on the couch,
"Sammie?" Damon said
Tears rolling down my cheeks,
"Damon... it hurts," I said as I clutched my stomach with my arms,
"Sammie you better tell us what is going on right now," Stefan said sternly,
I was afraid, but I was backed into a corner, I had no choice,
I lifted my shirt just enough for them to see how big my stomach got,
"My god Sammie why didn't you say anything?!" Damon said
"I didn't think it was important," I mumbled as I shrugged,
"Of course it is important, Dam it Sammie something could be seriously wrong!" Damon said
"That's it you're going to the hospital now," Stefan said
"What no!" I said standing up,
I went to leave, And Damon grabbed my left wrist and Stefan grabbed my right wrist, and they started marching me out of the house,
"Come on guys! Uncle! Uncle! I'm fine," I said digging my heels in the ground,
"You are most certainly not fine," Damon said
"I agree with Damon, Sammie you should have said something," Stefan said
"Yes, and when we find out what is wrong you and I are going to have a talk about this young lady," Damon said sternly,
"Okay, geez didn't know anyone cared," I mumbled
They both looked at me weirdly,
We enter the hospital and the smell of antiseptic and alcohol hit my nose the exact reason I hate hospitals,
Now sitting in my own room after a whole bunch of such fun tests, not, we are just waiting for the doctor to come back in with results, and Since Damon compelled the Nurse and Doctor I don't need my parents here thank goodness,
I had my arms crossed and I was glaring a hole in the wall across from me,
"Oh quite pouting Tiny," Damon said
"Says the guy who can't get sick.... ever," I said
I heard Stefan chuckle,
The doctor finally walks in,
"Okay Sammie we found what is wrong with you, you're appendix is so swollen that it is ready to burst, were going to have to do emergency surgery," The Doctor said
"That's it I'm out of here," I said about to get out of the bed,
Damon pushed me back into the bed,
"Okay, what caused this?" Stefan asked
"Well the way the scan looks is that it was bruised to begin with, she could have fell on it wrong or something else," The doctor said
"Okay thanks doctor," Stefan said
"The nurse will be in shortly," The doctor said leaving the room,
"So is there something you want to tell us tiny?" Damon asked
"Nope," I said too quickly
They both looked at each other,
Then the nurse came in with a needle,
That's when fear kicked in,
I tried to get out of bed and run, But Damon and Stefan held me down, I struggled as much as I could,
"Damon please I don't want it, please I don't want it," I said looking at him almost crying,
"I'm sorry Tiny but you'll be up before you know it," Damon said
"And were going to be here when you wake up," Stefan said
Next thing I know is I feel a pinch and everything goes dark,
Damon POV
After they took Sammie away, I was in the room pacing back and forth back and forth as Stefan watched,
"You're acting like a worried parent sit down," Stefan said
"How can you be so dam calm she's keeping something from us, I know she is why do you think she was so hesitant to tell us," I said looking at him,
"Maybe she doesn't like hospitals," Stefan said
I glared at him,
"Something is going on Stef and I'm gonna find out," I said looking out the window from the room

Vampire Diaries, Little Human
ФанфикSammie Or as most people call her is Sam, is a Thirteen year old girl, only just moved to Mystic Falls a few months ago, Her life was a difficult one, with parents who could care less about if she would live or die, But all of that changed after sh...