Chapter One: Someone Comforting

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(Y/N) POV:

"I'm sorry (Y/N) but I just can't do it anymore. You're too energetic and it's exhausting. I need someone who is quieter and tame." My boyfriend, or rather my ex boyfriend, was breaking up with me.

"I get it Hiro, I'll leave. I hope you find someone who fits your needs." I left without causing a problem and headed back to my classroom for my stuff.

"Did you do it?" I heard whispers.

"Of course, I couldn't lead her on for all of high school." A voice sounding of Hiro's responded.

"Lead her on?" The first voice whispered again.

"You know she was just a temporary girlfriend. I just needed the other girls to get jealous. I was never serious about (Y/N)." Hiro's voice trailed away.

I guess I was just a joke to him, his play thing. It's for the best that he ended it and didn't lead me on. That's what I told myself, but the tears forming in my eyes said otherwise.

By the time I turned the corner into the classroom, my eyes were a blurred mess. I sat at my desk by the window slowly and my head dropped, hitting the desk hard.

My tears burned my cheeks and puddled on my desk in the empty room. I lifted my head just a little to watch Hiro leaving the building with his friends laughing.

I crossed my arms on the desk and left my head fall in the gap. My cries stayed silent, I wanted to yell out but nothing left my throat. Every time he said baby, every time he said honey, every time he said he liked me, was just another lie escaping his lips.

My thoughts were cut short by the sound of the door sliding open. I snapped my head up and saw a vague figure of a tall boy through blurred eyes.

"O-oh I'm sorry! I'll, I'll come back later!" He turned around and started walking out.

"It's fine, get what you came for and ignore me." I sniffled and spoke through a cracking voice as I put my head back down.

"I don't think I can ignore a girl who's crying," His soft voice seemed relaxing as he got closer and crouched next to my desk. "D-do you want to talk about it?"

"It's nothing just, you think you know someone and they leave you in the dust." I turned my head sideways and got a better look at his face.

The stranger had beautiful dark brown eyes that showed concern. His brown hair pulled back into a bun and a small scruff was forming on his chin. He looked a little intimidating to be honest, maybe that's why I never approached him. He didn't seem that intimidating in the moment though.

"Breakup?" He gently asked.

I let out a small laugh, "Is it really that obvious? Yes it's a breakup, I've been with this guy since freshman year and he just dumped me. To top it off, I heard him tell his friend that he was never serious." I didn't know why I was telling him this but something about him just felt like someone I could trust. "Am I pathetic for crying over this?" I faced back down.

"Of course not! It's okay to cry sometimes." He placed a hand on my arched back and removed it after a few seconds, "ah s-sorry! I touched you without asking."

"It's fine, what's your name?" I lifted my head and rubbed my dried out eyes.

"I'm Azumane Asahi, you can just call me Asahi if you'd like. You're name?" He stood up.

"(L/N) (F/N). Just call me (Y/N)."

"Nice to put a name on the face."

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head.

"I s-said that out... loud?" His face turned pink. "I just mean that... um.. I.. uh, I've seen you around a lot but I've never... really like, spoken to you... Not until now at least." He faced away and put a hand on the back of his head.

"You could've spoken to me ya know." I pushed my chair back, stood, and slung my bag over my shoulder. "You seem nice." I started walking out and noticed him follow me.

"It's just.... How do I say this? You have so much energy and.... it's a little... intimidating." He winced a bit.

"Me? Intimidating? If anyone looks intimidating here it's you." I laughed.

"I'm intimidating? H-how?"

"It's just the way you look. You don't act like that at all though, you're just a softie aren't you?" I started walking down the stairs to the first floor.

It was silent all the way down. Did I say something? I don't think I said anything wrong but I don't really know anymore.

"Is something wrong?" I turned around and saw Asahi with his eyes glued on the floor and his ears a new shade of red.

"A-ah! Did I make you worry? It's nothing." He gave me a reassuring smile as we started walking out of the building.

"Well this is where we part ways I guess. I'll see you around Asahi!" I waved him goodbye and we started walking our separate ways.

He wasn't a bad guy really. I don't quite know if I'd ever see him again but I do hope I do. Asahi didn't seem like another Hiro, he seemed genuine.

That didn't stop the doubts that came in my mind. What if he was? What if he was another Hiro? What if his kindness is but an act? What if, what if, what if-

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" A voice yelled behind me and snapped me out of my thoughts.

I stopped and turned around quickly only to see, "Asahi?"

"Yeah...I just had...something I..." He was struggling to talk once he caught up to me.

"Catch your breath first, then speak." I placed a hand on his back while he was bent over with his hands on his knees.

It only took a few seconds for him to be back to normal, "You walk fast."

"I wasn't expecting anyone to follow." I looked up as he stood again.

"Sorry about that, I just had something I wanted to give you." He searched through his bag on his side and pulled out a drink. "You still seemed a little down when we parted so I went to get you something. I didn't expect you to go so far though." He handed me the drink.

"You didn't have to get me this Asahi," I looked down and the bottle in my hand. "Let me pay you back."

"Don't worry about it, it's a gift. I hope you cheer up a little, it gets better." He gently ruffled my hair and backed away. "Ah, I should get going. Hope I see you again (Y/N)!"

Asahi left just as soon as he came. I was left standing there and watching him go. The bottle slipped just a little in my hand as a reminder that it was there. I brought it up a little and stared at the drink.

"Maybe my doubts are for nothing." I laughed to myself and started walking back home, drinking what Asahi gave me with a smile.

That day in the classroom would soon change my world, I just didn't know it then.

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