Chapter Eleven: Reception

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*First dance song Your Guardian Angel by Red jumpsuit apparatus but don't play until it's time~

(Y/N) POV:

Asahi and I hitched a ride with Cammy and Sayuri since neither of us drove and they insisted. It was a short ride to the party hall for the reception though we got there last.

I went in with Asahi and we sat at our assigned table. Our table was set rather close to the sweethearts table, probably on purpose since Cammy pushed for her to arrange the seating.

Once the brides made their grand entrance into the party hall, everyone started to do their own thing. Asahi and I were the only people at our table.

"My feet hurt from standing all ceremony." I threw my head back and sighed.

"You did well up there, must've been exhausting." Asahi gently patted my head.

"Beauty is pain. Worth it though." I smirked.

"Question, who's supposed to be sitting with us?"

"My parents but they didn't show." I lifted my head and looked at the two empty seats.

"Oh I'm sorry." Asahi tensed up a little.

"Don't be, I figured they wouldn't. They never approved of Cammy not liking men. They always wanted Cammy to marry a wealthy man and have children. Since that has no slight chance of happening, they stopped paying attention to her and more attention to me. Anything with Cammy doesn't interest them and I moved out with Cammy to cut ties with my parents." I rested my chin on my palm.

"That had to be tough on you two." Asahi placed a hand on my back.

"Well, we've managed and we're here now." I shot him a reassuring smile. "I want food." I looked over to the buffet.

"I could go for some food right now. What do you want?" Asahi stood up.

"I'll go with you." I started to follow him and stand.

He put a hand on my shoulder and lightly pushed me back into my seat, "You said you're tired, I'll get it for you."

"You sure?"

Asahi nodded, "positive."

"I'll take some (food of choice)."

"No problem." Asahi left to get the food.

I watched him go with a smile. "If only I was the one who had his heart," I whispered.

"Had who's heart?" Cammy suddenly spoke.

"Ah shit Cam! You scared me!" I turned back to Cammy sitting opposite me at the table.

She smirked at me and raised an eyebrow, "who's heart?"

I rubbed the back of my head. "N-no one, no one." I hadn't told Cammy yet.

"Is it Asahi?"

"Of course. I feel personally attacked here."

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